Firstly I would like to say that this is a great site, I stumbled across it while looking for information on repairing leaky rivets and I caught the fever. The wealth of information here is amazing. It is officially responsible for turning what was going to be a rattle-can and go project into what now seems to be a full blown customization in progress.
I have been eyeing this boat for well over a year now. It belonged to my stepbrother, but sat idle on our river property for three summers unattended. After my incessant pestering, he agreed to sell it to me. Upon naming his price, a single case of Ninkasi beer (deal of the century), my gears started turning. As of last weekend it now sits in my driveway. The garage has been emptied and the deconstruction starts this coming weekend. I figure every good project and build thread starts with the 'before' pictures.
The end goal is to have a seaworthy no B.S. fishing/crabbing/hunting vessel before next summer. Step one is stripping her down to the hull and fixing any leaks, then the real fun starts. Many more pictures to come.
I have been eyeing this boat for well over a year now. It belonged to my stepbrother, but sat idle on our river property for three summers unattended. After my incessant pestering, he agreed to sell it to me. Upon naming his price, a single case of Ninkasi beer (deal of the century), my gears started turning. As of last weekend it now sits in my driveway. The garage has been emptied and the deconstruction starts this coming weekend. I figure every good project and build thread starts with the 'before' pictures.
The end goal is to have a seaworthy no B.S. fishing/crabbing/hunting vessel before next summer. Step one is stripping her down to the hull and fixing any leaks, then the real fun starts. Many more pictures to come.