Fisherman Finds Long-Lost Class Ring in 8-Pound Bass

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I don't think so... I think as each bass died, it's body decayed and another bass picked it up and so on.. bass don't live that long - at least I don't think they do!
Bass can live that long, the average lifespan is 16 years, I think its more believable that one bass ate it, but probably he ate it after it had been on the floor of the lake for a few years. Its kinda hard to imagine a bass eating it, then decaying, then another eating it and decaying. :---)
KMixson said:
Are you saying if all else fails, take your wedding ring off and tie a hook to it then give it a toss?

Been there done that! My original wedding ring sits at the bottom of the Quabbin Reservoir in Mass. :D
Jim said:
Been there done that! My original wedding ring sits at the bottom of the Quabbin Reservoir in Mass. :D

If your wife reads this thread, you may get to do a lot more fishing at Quabbin! :roll:
baptistpreach said:
Bass can live that long, the average lifespan is 16 years, I think its more believable that one bass ate it, but probably he ate it after it had been on the floor of the lake for a few years. Its kinda hard to imagine a bass eating it, then decaying, then another eating it and decaying. :---)

I didn't think of how stupid what I wrote sounded until you put it into perspective for me! #-o

But at my pond we have 25-45lb catfish that actually die, rise to the top and end up on the bank actually decaying... you'd be surprised some of the things you find laying inside their bone - floats, nails, screws, hooks,...

I'm still looking for that $25 crankbait that one took from me out there this past summer... if he gets that sucker out without dying I'd be surprised... he pretty much swallowed it and as I lifted him in the boat, he horned me and I tossed him and the cheapo rod/reel was still attached and followed him in...
#-o #-o
Wow! 25-45lb catfish?! I think that'd be enough to cure me of bass fishing for a while. That's amazing... a dream for me that I'd love to live someday.
baptistpreach said:
Wow! 25-45lb catfish?! I think that'd be enough to cure me of bass fishing for a while. That's amazing... a dream for me that I'd love to live someday.

If you're ever near me in GA - feel free to contact me and you can catch them.. average size caught is 10-15lbs.. biggest pulled out of the water this summer was 47lbs - and they eat anything that is thrown. I fish for bass and they tear up my plastic worms. My bro-in-law uses floats and minnows and really tears them up.. come to think of it he catches the biggest bass on that too. He caught an 8lb LM and it really pisses me off because I refuse to use live bait for bass.. it's almost like it's too easy
I hear ya on the live bait russ010, so much work and thought and money goes into lures :roll:

Still what a wierd story tho on the ring :lol: