Fishing Supplies Storage?

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Tazewell, Tn
So all this talk about DIY projects and rod racks has got my mind churning. I'm just trying to get some ideas.....What kind of tackle storage do you guys got? I'm kinda tossing around a cabinet type setup to store some random fishing stuff(line, extra boxes, etc, etc) and have rod holders on each side to store my extra rods and such(maybe 4-5 on each side). Don't wanna make it too big...just like a short cabinet for the base and just let the rods stick up above the sides of the cabinet. But i'm just looking for ideas on what you guys got. So let me see em' if ya got em'! :mrgreen:
Ok...So I just spotted this....I'm thinking of a design similar to this(minus the drawers)....probably a tad more open storage.....


Anyone have any idea where I can get some of those rod "clips" like they have attached to the top of this one? :-k
Well if your gonna try to make something like that might just want to look for a dresser (prob could find something cheap at a second hand store), and add some rod holders. This actually got me thinkin about adding some sort of rod holders to the dresser I already use.
That's a cool looking station. As far as design, I think something like this is what you are looking to do... out of wood of course. :D

As for the clips, I did a search on yahoo for Rubber Fishing Rod Clips and came back with this.

Hope it helps.
For the clips I found some pool cue holders at a local flea market when I lived in FL. They were cheap probably .25 to .50 cents each. You might find them at dicks.
slim357 said:
Well if your gonna try to make something like that might just want to look for a dresser (prob could find something cheap at a second hand store), and add some rod holders. This actually got me thinkin about adding some sort of rod holders to the dresser I already use.

Well the reason i'm making it is one, because I like making stuff like this anyways. And two, I've got some wood left over from a previous project(5/8" MDF from building a speakerbox for my truck). I'm not worried about it looking super professional, as it will just be in my room anyways. I'll probably just build it, sand all the edges smooth, rattle-can it, and be done.

Here's a sketch i've come up with using the CAD program here at work.....

The way i've got it drawn right's 38" wide total, 12" deep, and 27" tall....I just gotta find what I wanna use to hold the top of the rods.
Pretty cool.....but needs a stripping/spooling station on top :wink:

SlimeTime said:
Pretty cool.....but needs a stripping/spooling station on top :wink:


Yeah, I can add accesories...Thats just the main framework as of right now.... :wink:
Mr. Bubba, Sir, If I may ask, why 27" high?, that seems kinda small. Wont your dimensions make it longer than it is high?
shamoo said:
Mr. Bubba, Sir, If I may ask, why 27" high?, that seems kinda small. Wont your dimensions make it longer than it is high?

Yeah....I'm not really looking for a huge storage cabinet or anything....basically just something to build and use up the wood i've got.....I may end up making it a tad taller rather than wider(maybe 30-32 tall and 24" wide or something). Gonna have to see how much wood exactly i've got and go from there with what I can get the most use out of.
that is a good plan i am looking at something about the same atcabinet rod holder with a tying station built off one side for my vice
Good luck my friend, make sure you post a couple of pics for us at various stages.