Fly Fishing Gatlinburg,TN

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I'd say for flies from top(water) down:
-foam hopper(3) size 10
-Elk Hair Caddis(5) size 14
-Parachute Adams(5) size 16

-gold ribbed hair ear nymph(weighted)(5) size 14
-Prince Nymph(2) size 16
-wooly bugger olive (4) size 6

-copper john(3) size 16
-tungsten bead head nymph of some kind(5) size 14

I'd prospect with the hare's ear and if there are risers I'd go with the p-Adams.
Don't know if you will have the Dumond Flies in time, but the bass pro shop in Pigeon Forge(directly off the interstate) I believe has a pretty good selection. If nothing else, They do have a guy that ties flies throughout the day, so he may be able to hook you up as well. Good Luck! Hope my directions work out for ya as well. :wink: :beer:
Lots of people swear by the Wooly Bugger... I personally haven't had a lot whole lot of luck, but I sat down tonight an tied up a couple dozen. Did the standard black and olive colors, but also did some bright flashy stuff. For some reason I've got that gut feeling that orange will work well this fall :-k
I was going to troll Sebago Lake this weekend for the last trip of the regular season, but the wind conditions look to be horrible. Now I'm thinking that I may break out the float tube and run some rivers and fly fish (all the while scouting for ducks for the following week).
Maybe I'll post some pics where the Wooly buggers paid off?
Thanks for the info. Fish Monger. I realy like your saltwater flies. Have you ever made a pencil popper? It's a popper about 2 1/2" - 3" long. We used them for redfish on the flats. The only problem was one or two reds and they would destroy them, but they would draw some of the most explosive strikes that I've ever seen.
Specknreds said:
Thanks for the info. Fish Monger. I realy like your saltwater flies. Have you ever made a pencil popper? It's a popper about 2 1/2" - 3" long. We used them for redfish on the flats. The only problem was one or two reds and they would destroy them, but they would draw some of the most explosive strikes that I've ever seen.

Nope. To be honest, I've never fly fished saltwater. I started tying them by popular demand. Now I either buy one to copy from the local fly shop or take a pic on my cell phone to copy :-$
Pencil Popper huh? Is this something like what it looks like?

If so and it's something you'd like to see, PM me your address. I'll try my hand at them and pop a couple in the mail to you for free to try out.
Thanks again to everyone. I can not get over the responce that I've had. TinBoats is the ultimate site!!! =D>

I have a list of flies that is huge. I guess that I'll find a shop and find each one and choose from there. :-k

Capt. Ahab, The fly pencil poppers are just like the ones Fish Monger showed. It would be interesting to see someone try to fly cast the ones you showed :D. We do use one on spinning tackle simular to what you show when the tuna are busting the surface.

Thanks again, leaving early in the morning. \:D/
Vacation went by way to fast!! Had a great time. Thanks to everyone, I landed 12 Rainbows, 4 brown trout, and a few other species. What kind of shinner is the bottom picture? I'm guessing shinner?????


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I caught most of them on a weighted stone fly. A few on (I'm new at this and don't know the correct names) a small fly with a white parchute and a small streamer. The guy at the fly shop that I bought them from was extremely busy and I can not remember the names. Sorry!! I can tell you that they wanted it just above bottom. I only had one stone fly. It had a gold bead behind the eye of the hook and realistic looking wings. They destoyed it. After about the 7th or 8th fish, the wings were gone, but they still hit it.

Hope this helps,
I know I'm posting this much too late.....after your trip. Just wish I'd found this thread sooner.

Next time you are in the Gatlinburg area, take a little side trip over to Townsend. Stop in at the Little River Outfitters, run by Byron and Paula Begley.....really nice folks. The fly shop is a very well stocked store and the staff there is very helpful. I've dealt with them for years and have never hit a glitch. Good Fishing, Mac
Thanks, I will give them a shot next time. We had a great time and plan on returning in the future. It was an interesting and fun experience. I'm use to dealing with bull reds and tuna on a fly. Ya'll are going to laugh and I wasn't going to admit this but, I was having a heck of time tring to tie 3lb test tippet. I don't think I've ever used anything under 12lb test. The first time I tried to tie a fly on I broke the line 3 times, cinching down the knot. It took a little while to figure the trout out, but once I did it was ON! I can cross out one more fish on my top ten species left to catch before I die (this would be a great top 10 Thread or topic).

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