Goin' fishin' in the AM


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2008
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Gonna go try for some bluegill tomorrow. Got the motor back together today, but this will be a TM only lake anyway. Kinda bummed 'cause dad can't go, and there's a chance of rain the rest of the week...so I'll be goin' solo tomorrow. That is unless someone wants to meet me at Westwood ramp about 6:30 in the AM :wink: Bring your geat, bait & grub, there'll be plenty of room in the boat.

wish you luck, if i wasn't so far away i would meet you .catch a bunch post some pictures and let us no how you net holder and ff works,did you get the starter going
DD- Yep, got it (starter) fixed, but can't use the gas motor on Westwood anyway. I'm still not sure aboout the FF, don't know what would make it read at twice the depth it actually is. I haven't even tried doing anything with it yet...lol, been too busy fixing other stuff.

Thanks for the "good lucks" guys, I think I'll catch a few, lol.....maybe even enough to make dad wish he'd have went :mrgreen: They go to bible study Tuesday mornings, but it's supposed to start raining tomorrow night, so it's in the AM, or wait 'till next week....so the choice was obvious. :wink:

Talked to Stumpknocker earlier, we're talking about getting together here in a couple weeks & do some kitty fishin, so I'll have that to look forward to as well =D> .

it is good to see people from this site get together and get to actually meet each other i hope you and stump knocker have a good time
Thanks again guys.....lol, keep your fingers crossed for a decent report this evening [-o< :mrgreen:

OK....who didn't cross their fingers #-o Well.....not a good day as far as catching goes, sure been an "off" year for me :cry: Caught lots of dinks, 2 keeper 'gills & an eater channel, but tossed 'em all back before leaving.

Pic of the dock this morning:

Look in the center of the pic at the waters edge....4 deer I saw 1st thing:

you cant catch them all the time .you should of went hunting at least you got to get out and didnt get wet a few dinks is better than a day at work
At least you got out and seen some of mother natures habitate.
I've got a few, but can't shoulder a long gun anymore :cry: Don't think I coulda hit one with my .380 from there (lol, and no.....not that I would have tried).

dedawg1149 said:
what is wrong with your shoulder if you dont mind me asking ,i know you had bad knees

Not sure DD, can't find a doc smart enough to tell me. They thought I tore both rotator cuffs, 1 stupid doc told me there's nothing wrong with them, but admitted he can "see a difference in them". I lost /12 the muscle in my left deltoids overnight....and another doc told me "that's impossible", yet he also noted the difference. I lost total use of my left arm for nearly 2 years, couldn't raise it, and riding in a car to doc appointments left me crying like a baby. My left shoulder sets 1.5" higher than my right one, and my trapezius muscles lie-into my neck at different points now. I also get severe swelling at the base of my neck or regular occassions.


My left hand swells

Here was the cause, my truck has the plow.....50mph impact, and that's how Snake Farm leaves you with injuries......because of crooked laws favoring them.
dang that is bad. i know what you mean about insurance crooks and the cost of doctors now days maybe you will find a doctor that can help you.
Well, here's the problem. I got jerked-around for 4 years (just got Medicaid this year, but it's too late now), and forced to live with severe whiplash. I was even refused at the hospital (unlike the illegals). My spine is crooked as well, ny neck tilts to one side, my pelvis to the other, and is twisted on my spine as well. Not to mention chronic carpal & cubital tunnel (wrists & elbows) as well. So daily pain is "normal" for me, it affects everything I do, and my attitude (which I apoligize for at times).....I'm pretty angry about a lot of things, and had a pretty good life prior to all this.

Lesson to take away from all this? If you have Snake Farm, drop them like a steaming piece of dog scat they are.....before you end-up in a similar situation as mine. If you don't have them, keep it that way.

I'll have to take a pic of my truck sometime & post it....lol, it's a rolling billboard for them :wink:

Look at my shoulders in the pics in this link, you'll see how uneven they are, even with 2 shirts on.

i now how you feel it is funny how fast you health can change from dumb accidents .from two separate accidents that was caused buy someone else i have 3 bad disk in my neck, 4 in my lower back .i have damage to the sciatic nerve in two spots .carpal tunnel in both hands .my legs and arms goes numb i have constant migraines from whiplash i take 15 different medicines i have been on duragesic Fentanyl patches for two years to ease the pain though some days are better than others
Yep....but it's different when you're made to suffer without treatment all in the name of greed. If I'd have been given the coverage I paid for, and treatment didn't provide complete recovery....that's one thing, but to be denied what you paid for, by someone who claims to be a "good neighbor" is downright inhumane.....I hope someday they get theirs :evil:

I can't tolerate medications, they make me physically sick, and feeling worse than the reasons I take them. Most also have worse side-effects than what they're prescribed for. I believe 4 or 5 of the 1st several I tried, have been placed into class-action lawsuits......yeah, I want to take some more of those :roll:

lol.....nothing better than to see the look on a docs face when you tell him you don't want pills, you want healed.....not numbed. They don't know how to react. I think all they're taught is how to fill-out a prescription....other than that, they're lost.

I've slept in a reclining chair for over 4 years now, can't lay flat. About twice a week, after a week of not being able to sleep, I have to get "medicated" :beer: so I can catch-up on sleep.


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