I love Thanksgiving.
Its has always been a time for me when everybody gets together. It wasn't just family, it seemed like everyone from our little community, well actually our hollow, as it was called.
People you see all the time, some you didn't, but all got treated like you hadn't seen them in ages. Everyone was always welcome, even some of the people you had a hard time getting alone with the rest of the year.
My uncle Jack would always drink too much and would spill, drop or break something. Spend the evening telling everyone how much he loved them. He always gave a Thanksgiving toast that took forever, he stuttered really bad. At the end everyone cheered, clapped and slapped his back on how great the speech was.
Everyone would bring food, it would be everywhere, kitchen table, stove and counters would be covered. I Remember hearing somebody say "Hey where you get that" when they saw something on your plate they didn't have.
Thanksgiving is a wonder time for me and I wish you all the same