I used to put a 1432 in the back of my old El Camino. It hung out a good bit. I removed the outboard and put it in the motor well of the boat, which was in the front of the bed of the truck-which put all (or most) of the weight in the truck. Then a couple tie downs and it was done. Worked well for many many years. Used to fish on lunch break from work. Lake is like 2 miles from the shop, drive over there, put the boat in and paddle around, 45 min later (and sometimes a stringer full of crappie), load up and go back to work. Honestly the biggest problem was figuring out how to keep 20 crappie while I am at work since we don't have any ice at work. Usually just stuck 'em in a cooler with some frozen ice packs; by time I got home they were still cold but not frozen cold. Either way they still cooked up nicely