How about a "Tip of the Week" thread?

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2008
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Let's try & post something every week, anything which might be handy for someone, whether it's your idea or saw it somewhere else. Don't assume your tip is too "simple", because sometimes those are the most overlooked ones.

Keep in mind & try not to post boat mods here, or something else that might be better suited to one of the existing forums :wink:


Here's one of mine:

I like to have a hand towel within reach. Granted you can buy these, buy they aren't cheap, so this is more of a cost-saving tip.

I went to the Dollar Store and bought a pack of 3-4 hand towels for $3 I think. I didn't want to just lay it in the boat because it's liable to blow-out under-way, and hanging it off your belt not only prevents that, but it's always handy.

I 1st tried using a grommet for a tarp repair kit. It didn't work as well as I liked. You can see the shower curtain hanger I added to clip it to a belt loop.

What worked better was adding a piece of 1" webbing I'd trimmed off a boat cover strap. I attached it with a #12 brass bolt, nut, and a couple flatwashers. I can either slip it over my belt, or add the shower curtain hanger to it for easy on/off.

I folded the towel 4 times before fastening the hanger/strap to it.

Good one Slime Time,, i subscribe to this,,, def need tips, thanks for the towel tip,,
Here's another:

I catfish, which requires the use of large (heavy) sinkers. I don't like them "slapping" against my rods when not in use, or in transport. This tip came from a gentleman on another forum I'd read about a year or so ago, and I believe I'd heard he's since passed away. I wished I could recall his name, because I'd give him credit for it.

I take a large bananna clip (cheap at the Dollar Store)that the girls use for the back of their hair & clip it over the sinker & onto the rod. This keeps the sinker held against the rod & prevents it from banging around. It also helps prevents tangles from the heavy sinker sagging away from the side of the rod.

Cool tip! I guess it's a golf towel I have that's rigged just like you mentioned, it's black and has a brass grommet and a shower curtain ring, and the towel is folded about 3-4 times just like yopu did yours. Got it from the Army recruiter (even has a "Army of One" logo on it. I keep it in the mesh pocket on the back of my tackle bag. I always forget it's there and end-up wiping my hands on my pants, lol :roll: . Maybe I should start using the shower curtain clip on my belt loop.
I too use a golf towell (has a clip on it) I clip it to my back pack, I use a simular method to hold my camera case.
I guess I didn't know golfers used them (not being a golfer......something about chasing a little white ball for acres :?:). I bought a couple before from fishing gear can make 3-4 for what you pay for one.

I dont golf, I saw it on sale at WalMart for a couple of bucks.
i usually carry towels with me with the intention to use them but i usually get in to big of a hurry to use them .nice ideal though
shamoo said:
I dont golf, I saw it on sale at WalMart for a couple of bucks.

So there's 2 reasons I never saw them :mrgreen:

Something else I do is to save gallon milk jugs & rinse them out well. Then I fill them about 3" from the top & toss them in the freezer. When I need ice for the cooler I just grab whatever I need. I don't bust them up, jug & all goes into the cooler.....when I get home, they go right back into the freezer. It comes in handy if it's hot out, you'll always have a cold drink of water :wink: I do the same with 1/2 gallon jugs that you get fruit juice in. Usually keep one just for sweet tea, they fit in a cooler pretty well also. If I need just ice, I just slice the jug open with a utility knife, bust up the ice, and toss the jug into the recycle bin.....plastic containers are easy to come by.

Back in the "day", most milk (gallons & 1/2 gallons) came in waxed-paper cartons. I remember dad used to have a freezer full of ice for weekend camping trips. He had a large cooler (had to have been 100 + quart) that he used just for extra ice for the coolers. He packed the frozen milk cartons in sawdust, in the stayed frozed all weekend to transfer to the smaller coolers as the ice in them melted.

SlimeTime said:
I guess I didn't know golfers used them (not being a golfer......something about chasing a little white ball for acres :?:). I bought a couple before from fishing gear can make 3-4 for what you pay for one.

I like to bluegill fish with live crickets. I've got a couple of the larger cages so I'll have, hate to run out of bait when they're biting #-o

I usually get bait the night before if I can (just did today matter of fact), and especially do with crickets since they're so easy to keep. Once & awhile on or 2 will sneak-out, so I found the lid off a large tup of margarine will snap over the cage & prevent escape of any of the little buggers. When transporting them I stack both cages into a 5 gal bucket which also has a lit (and has a few holes in it). If you've never dumped 2-3 tubes of crickets in your vehicle or boat, trust me, you don't want to :wink:

In case you don't know, cut a potato in 1/2 & put it in with the crickets, it'll give them moisture as well as a snack, and help keep them alive. And don't leave them out if it's too cold.

If you've never dumped 2-3 tubes of crickets in your vehicle or boat, trust me, you don't want to

:shock: I wouldn't even want to deal with that! :lol:

I tried fishing with crickets a few years ago. I must have had dumb crickets, cause I gave them specific instructions on how to hold on to the hook......................but noooo, they wouldn't pay attention to simple instructions! Everytime I brought the line in the dang hook would be empty! :roll:
Along the line of Slimetime's tip on the frozen milk jugs you can take that another step. The frozen jugs (quart/half gallon) can be used to keep the temp down in your live well on those super hot summer days and you don't have to worry about adding any of the chlorine that may reside in the commercial packaged ice that you buy at the local bait shop/store. The fishies may get a few knots on their heads frm running into the jug, but what the hell, they are gonna be in the frying pan soon anyway.
I added a snap to the back of my seat and to my towel so my towel is always nearby.


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lol, good idea, but wouldn't work for me, my shoulders don't let me reach behind my back. I even gotta put my belt in the loops before I get dressed.

if you like fishing a zara spook but your line keeps sinking and pulling the nose of your bait under the water,rub a candle over the first six feet of line and this will keep the line on top of the water allowing the nose of your lure to stay up.making your lure dart from side to side with greater ease.
Man,I used to love "walking the dog" with a ZS. Good tip, I'll have to give it a try sometime.
