How long does it take to hear back from site admin regarding membership renewal questions?

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Tin Man

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2011
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I reached out to site admin yesterday with some specific questions and would like to know how long it takes to hear back from them?
I understand yesterday was Thanksgiving, but I have not heard back from anyone today.
Has anyone had any issues with contacting admin?

Also, for those of you that are members, how do you renew...automatic renewal settings, manually, or ??
In January of this year, the site automatically renewed my membership although there is no way of choosing. So, like it or not it was charged to my CC. I was kinda taken aback by this, but then I was going to renew anyway. I just prefer the choice as it comes up.
As far as the administration getting back to you, I have no experience regarding that. Perhaps an @Canoe will send him a nudge.
What do you want to know exactly? I can look it up for you and help you with the supporting membership.
In January of this year, the site automatically renewed my membership although there is no way of choosing. So, like it or not it was charged to my CC. I was kinda taken aback by this, but then I was going to renew anyway. I just prefer the choice as it comes up.
As far as the administration getting back to you, I have no experience regarding that. Perhaps an @Canoe will send him a nudge.
I agree that I would prefer to have that choice as well but I guess it's like all businesses; once they get your card # they assume they have permission to charge it automatically, kinda not the way it should be!
I agree. When you give that card to a vendor it should be used one time and one time only unless both you and the vendor agree otherwise at that time or some future time. Unfortunately, at times some vendors extreme need or greed takes over and they feel like they have carte blanche.
What do you want to know exactly? I can look it up for you and help you with the supporting membership.
Is it the standard procedure that my membership is automatically renewed and my CC on file charged without my knowledge and consent? I do not remember reading that membership would be done that way!
Is it the standard procedure that my membership is automatically renewed and my CC on file charged without my knowledge and consent? I do not remember reading that membership would be done that way!
It certainly shouldn't be charged automatically as there is no provision for the members to choose that.
I don't mind a reminder to renew and then renew if I want to or leave an option to choose this.
There is a way around the auto payment thing. In my case I wanted to help the site, but didn't want to give my CC info. I'm just odd that way. So I contacted Canoe and asked where I could send a check. Sent him a check for the cost of membership and rounded it up to some even number and next thing I knew, I was a member. I suspect at some point either Canoe will reach out to me again or I'll notice I'm no longer a member and I'll cut him another check. I like small sites like this. The large corp owned places aren't my cup of tea. (The hull truth) is a prime example of what was great turned into turd.)
I thought it was illegal for a business to hold credit card information. I know some websites that I buy from give you the option to save the number if you buy from them frequently such as Amazon but I dont think they can just do it automatically. There again I am not a business owner but ran a business when the owners were away and was always told when a person paid over the phone I was to destroy the information if I had to write it down.
I thought it was illegal for a business to hold credit card information. I know some websites that I buy from give you the option to save the number if you buy from them frequently such as Amazon but I dont think they can just do it automatically. There again I am not a business owner but ran a business when the owners were away and was always told when a person paid over the phone I was to destroy the information if I had to write it down.
IDK if it's illegal. Certainly unethical IMO. If you agree to it in advance I don't have an issue with the practice. We auto pay things like gas and electric and my 1 CC bill. Everything else is a check or cash.
I agree that I would prefer to have that choice as well but I guess it's like all businesses; once they get your card # they assume they have permission to charge it automatically, kinda not the way it should be!

No. You go through Paypal and it confirms it's a subscription. It should be saying it while you sign up.

I'll go through it myself as a regular user to confirm.
No. You go through Paypal and it confirms it's a subscription. It should be saying it while you sign up.

I'll go through it myself as a regular user to confirm.
subscriptions normally do not contain or set as auto renew, they ask if you would like to auto renew and I do not remember if it asked permission or not, we do not get any confirmation paperwork electronic or otherwise stating those facts or conditions! Again not normal business practices that I am used to seeing and why this has become a question! I want to option of auto renew or not to auto renew, my option and not anyone else!
subscriptions normally do not contain or set as auto renew, they ask if you would like to auto renew and I do not remember if it asked permission or not, we do not get any confirmation paperwork electronic or otherwise stating those facts or conditions! Again not normal business practices that I am used to seeing and why this has become a question! I want to option of auto renew or not to auto renew, my option and not anyone else!
Me too.
First, I moved this thread to Announcements and Support. That's how you guarantee I see it. You can also use @Canoe and I will get a notification.

Who does the billing show up to as in PayPal?

GroupBuilder for supporting membership.

subscriptions normally do not contain or set as auto renew, they ask if you would like to auto renew and I do not remember if it asked permission or not, we do not get any confirmation paperwork electronic or otherwise stating those facts or conditions! Again not normal business practices that I am used to seeing and why this has become a question! I want to option of auto renew or not to auto renew, my option and not anyone else!

We're an extremely small business and use Paypal as our processor like a lot of small businesses. It's Paypal procedure. I can look into plugins that alert. If you're paying through Paypal all your subscriptions are tracked through their software.

I don't have access to anyone's financial information, I can't bill without consent. Paypal would not exist as an entity if those were options. No one would trust or use them.

If there's an issue and you want to be refunded and cancelled say the word and I'll get it done. I'm not here to create issues for anyone.
First, I moved this thread to Announcements and Support. That's how you guarantee I see it. You can also use @Canoe and I will get a notification.

GroupBuilder for supporting membership.

We're an extremely small business and use Paypal as our processor like a lot of small businesses. It's Paypal procedure. I can look into plugins that alert. If you're paying through Paypal all your subscriptions are tracked through their software.

I don't have access to anyone's financial information, I can't bill without consent. Paypal would not exist as an entity if those were options. No one would trust or use them.

If there's an issue and you want to be refunded and cancelled say the word and I'll get it done. I'm not here to create issues for anyone.
I do not normally use or allow any of my data to be sent or stored (Especially PAYPAL) their security system is outdated and can be breeched, I also do not allow ANYONE and I mean ANYONE store store my CC information, cancelling does not guarantee that PayPal will drop all data they have; they sell that information to anyone that'll pay for it! I will wait and see what happens, if I get alert before billing I'm okay but if they just drop the hammer then I will take the next route and set legal process in option against PayPal for any breeched information; everything is open to being put on a subpoena and I will be happy to do so for PayPal, have history with them as I was Banker and they are horrible people!
I do not normally use or allow any of my data to be sent or stored (Especially PAYPAL) their security system is outdated and can be breeched, I also do not allow ANYONE and I mean ANYONE store store my CC information, cancelling does not guarantee that PayPal will drop all data they have; they sell that information to anyone that'll pay for it! I will wait and see what happens, if I get alert before billing I'm okay but if they just drop the hammer then I will take the next route and set legal process in option against PayPal for any breeched information; everything is open to being put on a subpoena and I will be happy to do so for PayPal, have history with them as I was Banker and they are horrible people!

Please let me know how that comes out. That sounds interesting. We need people with experience like you to force the changes.
Please let me know how that comes out. That sounds interesting. We need people with experience like you to force the changes.
I will do so, I expect my CC to be charged and upon seeing it done automatically without my approval I'll instruct my Bank to follow procedural guidelines and report the transaction as an unauthorized charge, next I'll subpoena all records and issue a civil case in Hanover County Court against Pay Pal, they may or may not show up, once The Judge hears the case and if I get a positive verdict then I'll turn things back on them and ask the State Corporation Commission to get involved, maybe placing a revocation upon their license to do business in Virginia, but in the least I'll go to State Attorney General asking for their insight and input. Not to sure Pay Pal wants to go this route because I can also assure you I'll take it to social media for everyone to see!

Enough said! Oh, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Canoe!

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