How Much Thrust ? 13 ft Tinny

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Jan 27, 2013
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looking to get a minn kota trolling motor, just wondering what suggestions for the amount of thrust to go for ? would be on a 13ft not a small dude 250 lbs...and the girlfriend would be in the boat as well as gear and fuel for the main outboard...and the battery for the minn kota as well i what do yall think ? best model for amount of thrust i need to troll and best battery life ?
I had a 30# on my 12' boat with my brother and I (500+ lbs) a small ice chest, 2 batteries, 6 gal of fuel, and all our gear. 97% of the time I'd have the speed control on 1 or 2. The only times I used 3-5 were when I wanted to move a short distance and didn't feel like starting the motor or in some really stiff wind I might hit 3. I've got a 40# on my 15' and it's more than I need because it's never gone above 2 except when I was fooling around and testing it's power.
i've been using a 30# transom mount on my 14.5 ft. for years.its only for trolling and i also rarely go over # 3.i have it hooked up to a pro controll foot steer.wouldn't recommend for main power but perfect for trolling.( i'm also on the larger side,and the boat tops out around 800 fully loaded.)
I have a 50lb on my 1648 and love it. Only time use 4-5 are when im chasing jugs. I troll on one simetimes two if they want it faster. But if my gas motor breaks down i like knowing i have the extra power to get me back to the dock faster
It depends on what type of fishing your doing.

1) Trolling for hours on a big lake where it can be windy.

2) Moving from point A to point B and spot fishing.

3) Use as a backup motor.

For No. 1 I would suggest a bow mounted 40 to 55 lbs motor. 2 & 3 just about any motor would work but a 40 lbs transom mount would be a good choice.
You want to use a good deep cycle battery, a group 27 from Costco would be a minimum or a group 29 from Walmart would work real good.
The biggest one you can afford.

I've got a 30, wish it was a 45. And bow mounted.

Realistically, get the one that's digitally controlled (yes, they're more expensive, but they're totally worth it), and spend money on a GOOD battery. I'll be picking up a new one this next season, more than likely an Interstate.

Live, learn and all that. :lol:
I have a 50 on my 14 ft tin. I also weigh 250 and with myself and girlfriend and gear it will pull me through the fast current on the Altamaha river with no problem. I usually use 1 or 2 to move up stream.
I have a tricked out 1448 with 55 lb Varimax bow mount. I love it. Handles current and wind with no problem. I can move spot to spot quickly. If you're working a shoreline casting you do have to bump in on and off because of how much thrust it has.