How to make this cut?

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user 20022

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2015
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I have been
trying to figure out how to do this cut with a smooth edge for sometime now. How would you guys tackle this one?
I would like to full in the triangle in the bow
Sent from the dust in front of you!
Yup and on larger areas (like carpet layout on flooring) we'll hot glue thin flexible wood battens together in the pattern/shape/outline needed.

Being a rib-like structure, you can bend and flex it to remove from the area layouted ... then place down on the material to be used and have an exact match.
What I do to make templates that follow contours is use piece of string taping it up in center of nose, run down center of boat stretch it tight, make sure its at same height you want top of piece you are installing. Then put marks on it every 1". take piece of cardboard draw center line down that and put 1" marks on that line also. using a square and tape I then go down string measuring to edges of boat off those 1" marks and transfer measurements over marking them on card board. Connect marks you did on cardboard, cut, and see how fits in boat. If need any trimming need to be done trim it off, if needs some added on mark in areas that need adding and redraw on another piece of cardboard or on material you intend to cut.
Thanks guys I'm gonna give this a shot.

Sent from the dust in front of you!
I just made that same cut last month. I took a small piece of cardboard and made the very front 10" V templet. Transferred it to a larger templet using width and length measurments to make a triangle. With a big triangle I snipped here and there so it fit close. It did not have to be perfect shaped wood because a flapper on a grinder will bevel and cut it perfect. Trial and error with a marker and grind away. If you or any body else does not have a 4 1/2" hand grinder with an assortment of grinding, cutting and sanding disks then all I'll say is that I use that tool more than my cordless drill. I even cut a marble bathroom countertop with it. As it got closer and closer to fitting you could see where it rubbed on the hull. Sand and fit until you dial it in. I'll look for pics.
Only pic I could find is in my build thread. I'm at Glamis California with the sand car or I'd love to take detailed pics because it came out so perfect. I used a piece of aluminum angle pop riveted to the front bench seat to hold up. With that tool and a pencil you can shape every bump curve and bevel to within 1mm all the way around. When it fits that close it does not move and does not need to be screewed down. Middle of page two.
Thanks Stump! I do have a 4-/2 grinder and 3 80 grit flap disk and cut off disk that I've been using throughout this project. It should make short work of shaping the final product. Yours did turn out perfect. How long did it take to make?

Sent from the dust in front of you!
what I did was make 1/2 of a template.

I just make a real rough shape out a cardboard triangle. Then cut it in half by splitting it in half from the top point down to the lower edge. Just makes it easier to handle.

Then I used a drawing compass (the kind you used as a kid to draw circles that has a sharp point on one side and held a pencil on the other)

I made maybe a 1" gap between the 2 points (or whatever distance you need to span the gap between the hull and cardboard), then lay the cardboard against the curve, Take the end of compass without the pencil and set it against the hull edge I want to copy, then carefully pull it along the contour and transfer the curve to the cardboard.

Cut that edge and check it, should be right on.

Now I have that curve I can transfer it easily to the plywood, flip it over for the other edge. Measure the width of the triangle on the boat and draw the 2 curves between them

Might sound complicated but its real easy once you realize what I am describing. Works real well for transferring smaller shapes, like curves along the gunnels etc.

perchjerker....that is called Scribing. Well done! You could have written this article, I'll bet...

richg99 said:
perchjerker....that is called Scribing. Well done! You could have written this article, I'll bet...


hey thanks Rich!

just trying to help out where I can!

Sorry for the late update. I made the cut and sanded the edges where it was needed. I then put an extra sub that I:-! had I and wired up the radio, sub, speakers and amp. It sounds pretty good.

Sent from the dust in front of you!


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