I have a dent or two in my Tracker 1648 hull bottom that I'm pretty sure is effecting my performance. Loosing about 5 mph at WOT. Previously with my '94 Johnson 50/35 I was getting upper 20's and now I'm in the low 20's. Only other thing I can think of is water logged foam, but I replaced the foam in late 2013 with the blue stuff from Lowes. So I doubt that is the issue. Only way for me to find out is to pull my floor, which is doable but would involve a lot of work. I want to clean up the dents, particular a bigger one that is in the center chine about 16-18" from the stern. I'm guessing that is the main culprit for my performance drop. Thinking of ways to get it smoothed back out without trying to beat the dent itself out, which I think will only cause more issues. I'm thinking of using JB water weld to pack the dent and then sand it all down as smooth as possible once it cures. Not sure how well it would hold up though. Have also considered filling the dent by throwing down some welds and then grinding it smooth. But my hull is pretty thin, probably .080 or less and welding it is a major PITA!! Have also looked at the aluminum flux rods to fill in the dents. What do you guys think? Would any of those options help with my issue?