I Know It Gets Old...


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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
Lexington, SC
Bass on live bait seems easy to a lot of people, but in the cold, I get excited just the same when I feel that hit.Wind made it hard to fish, but it did allow the bait to cover a lot of water. 3 bass (4 counting the one I missed) went for a shiner drifted right in front of them.

From the dock, I watched 10 or so more wood ducks come in late. I'll get 'em next year.

I need a camera with a timer.

#1 No less than 5 pounds

#2 3 and change. Skinny. Probably a male fish.

#3 No less than 6 pounds

Big bait=big bass even in cold water.
1st picture behind the anal fin .. What are those Blue circles ?
i'm going to start calling you the "live bait expert" for big fish... make sure you keep a record of all the fish you catch... when you get older (and if you keep catching fish like this), you're going to be that guy in the magazines and newspapers where the Title is labeled, "Local Resident has Caught over 1000 5lb bass with one bait, and you can too!"... you'll have people all over the world mimicking you from then on
It never gets old seeing bass that size! So do you do any guiding? :D If I caught a bass that size, I'd have the state record up here!

If you don't mind, can you give me a description of how you fish them? Feel free to get specific - like hook size, where you hook the bait, how deep, what depth of water, area of the lake, etc, etc. I got good at using mullet for specks and reds, but haven't every used live bait for bass, besides worms.

Congrats Again!

hengstthomas said:
1st picture behind the anal fin .. What are those Blue circles ?

Those are two split shots on my line.

wasilvers said:
If you don't mind, can you give me a description of how you fish them? Feel free to get specific - like hook size, where you hook the bait, how deep, what depth of water, area of the lake, etc, etc...

In the cold, the bass have been holding next to wood (stumps, submerged trees, cypress knees).

I catch a shiner and hook it in the back (bass eat them headfirst and liphooked shiners result in a lot of gut hooked bass, especially in the summer). I fish them under a cork at various depths until I figure them out.

In the summer, the depth isn't as important. They will come up and eat a shiner swimming on top if I don't have a sinker on my line.

I use braid for everything. When the cork goes under, I give it a couple seconds (depending on how big the bait is) and tighten the line up. To set the hook, I slowly pull back like it was a circle hook, then I hit him hard. The hook I use is a standard J hook with a large gap, but make sure it is stout. Braided line and big bass will mean straightened hooks and lost fish if you don't use a good hook.
Thanks! I'm going to have to try this once or twice this year. I know where some big bass hang out, just haven't had any luck getting them to bite.
