Impeller replacement- Can an idiot like me handle it?

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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2009
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I just ordered an impeller replacement kit for my 1983 25 hp mercury that hasn't ran in 20+ years. How hard is this job exactly? I’ve read a couple posts on other forums that gave step by step instructions, but there are a few steps I didn’t understand. Is it something I just have to dive into, or could a mechanical moron like me do more damage than good?
Do I need a service manual to do it?

a manual would def. help but as long as you can rember to put it back in the order you took it apart from you'll be ok. Just take your time and post if you get stuck somewheres

make sure you bend the splines of the impellor the same was as the origional came out
I saw a guy take one apart first hand on a 15HP merc and it didn't look too dificult. I think the hardest part is working up the courage to do it. If you follow the instructions I think you can do it. What are the steps you don't understand? Post them up here and maybe someone could help explain it better.
I'd really suggest buying a manual that provides a step by step. Every motor is different, so there's no catch all tutorial online.

If you can remember the order, and you trust the last guy to have done it right, go for it. All I know is that when I replaced mine, there were a couple orings included in the kit and mentioned in the manual, but were no where to be found when I replaced the impeller. If not for the manual, I would have thought they were just extras and tossed them.
Hey WhiteMoose,

I agree with LoggerHead Mike, you should invest in service manual for your motor.

Here are 2 links that you might find useful.

Impeller change by the Marine Doctor: (The Marine Doctor)-best one (this another one)

Gear lube change by the Marine Doctor:

Remember to line up the water tube back into the rubber tube grommet. Use a flashlight and look up the motor housing a try to line up the splines. You can spend the propeller clockwise to line up the splines up in the motor housing. Put a little grease on the top 1 inch of the gearshaft but not on the very top. Please Please disconnect your wires going to your spark plugs before doing any work. Turning the prop can cause the engine to start!!!

Remember the order of removal and the parts. It is very helpful to use a digital camera as you go, so if you forget you can look back.

Here is another link:

Good luck my friend!!

Its not hard whitemoose mercurys shaft key is a little finicky just remember to put it in gear before you take the two lower unit bolts out and thats about it except for the housing. Also four hands will make it easier.
Thank you guys for the boost of confidence and helpful links! I'll give a shot for sure. What manual would you recommend I get?
Uh oh, I'm already stuck on the first step, trying to get the lower unit off.
"Remove the shift lever coupler located in the bottom cowling behind the carburetor."
What is the shift lever coupler? :oops:
Could someone confirm that its the part I circled in red here?

Is the metal rod that you can barely see in the picture the "shift lever"? And does this rod go all the way down the motor into the lower unit? It seems like this is going to be very difficult to get back into place once its out.

And If I take out that screw and somehow manage to not drop it down into the motor somewhere, that rod will just slide off somehow. I assume the coupler is the black plastic part. Does this stay attached to the rod, or is this something else that is going to come loose so I can drop it down into the motor?
Then the only thing holding the lower unit on is the 4 large bolts on the bottom, correct?
I have a manual! Thats what I'm reading the instructions from, which are confusing the he// out of me. The problem is I don't know the names of the parts they are talking about.

... So to answer my own question in the subject of this thread, the answer is a resounding "NO" :roll:
WhiteMoose said:
I have a manual! Thats what I'm reading the instructions from, which are confusing the he// out of me. The problem is I don't know the names of the parts they are talking about.

... So to answer my own question in the subject of this thread, the answer is a resounding "NO" :roll:

Sorry, don't know nothin bout dem Mercury's #-o But I can offer this. Link to a parts diagram for your motor. It will help you identify the parts you are unsure about in the manual. You will have to select your model in the list. It is for the 1983 Mercury line.

Hope this helps some!

Hey found these two videos on the you tube from the marine doctor that shows how to remove the Mercury lower gearcase and waterpump and etc. Hopefully this will help a little (part 1) (part 2)

The ones ive done its in the lower unit take the bolts loose then pull down about a inch or so to see the rod coupler thats right at level with the lower unit housing its going to make a shifting noise which is ok. then shift in reverse and it give that much more space then take the bolt out of it and viola. basically your putting the lower unit in forward gear and your shifter is in reverse giving you all that play between the two which allows you to get to the coupler DONT mess with the adjustments at the motor for they are a real pita to get set back right hope this helps
Thanks for the videos. I think I've watched every video there is on the subjet, but have yet to see one similar to my motor.
Johnny5- I think you are right, but I was unable to get the lower unit to drop down at all. I found a guy in town that does some outboard repair work, and he agreed to stop over tonight and give me some guidence for a case of beer and a pack of tbone steaks.

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