Insurance Cost for coverage

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2023
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Henryetta Oklahoma
Henryetta oklahoma
Just checked on cost of plan C of medicare. Ridiculous. Prices are off the chart and coverage is lower. Who are they kidding. Somebody somewhere has to place a check and balance on this issue. This is not a slam on our government but one on insurance companies. Greed is one thing but this is getting stupid. I am lucky covered by the Creek Nation on medical. I have plan B which is mandatory for benefits by the Creek Nation. I pay zero on medical bills and dental bills. The average american over 65 is getting ripped off. Limited income if retired and now the corporate insurance companies wish to roll folks over the coals. It ain't RIGHT.
The slam is on our gov't, don't kid yourself. The gov't put the ins companies in charge years back. You get a one time choice when you turn 65 to get a premium plan or one of the numerous plans that give you surface plans like dental, eye glasses, and other small coverages but when something big and serious goes down, you get hit with big hospital and doctor bills and you must goto there required facilities !! The premium plan covers hospitals and doctors wherever you go 100% but you dont get dental or eye coverage. Once you decide, you can't go back. I went with the deluxe plan but wife went with the standard plan. Big differences you won't see until later in life. The insurance companies make all the decisions on the standard but the gov't covers the expenses on the deluxe plan, it ain't cheap but it covers all doctors and hospitals no matter where you go.....if you live in rhe right state, yep, they have a say so as well in our personal health !!
Just checked on cost of plan C of medicare. Ridiculous. Prices are off the chart and coverage is lower. Who are they kidding. Somebody somewhere has to place a check and balance on this issue. This is not a slam on our government but one on insurance companies. Greed is one thing but this is getting stupid. I am lucky covered by the Creek Nation on medical. I have plan B which is mandatory for benefits by the Creek Nation. I pay zero on medical bills and dental bills. The average american over 65 is getting ripped off. Limited income if retired and now the corporate insurance companies wish to roll folks over the coals. It ain't RIGHT.
I feel your pain, now let me add another insult from the insurance companies, they can limit the amount (appointments) with any provider, fighting with my insurance provider who said I had to wait to have another appointment with the eye surgeon who removed my cataracts, I need to get the lens polished (cleared up) so I can see, it's fuzzy, eye surgeon said this happens quite a bit, easy to fix but Humana said (NOPE) I had to wait 90 days! Talk about BS from the Insurance Carrier! And Sonny1 you are right once you retire and live off SS then you are very limited on income!
I have run across the same. Cigna is famous for that stunt. Before turning 65 I had Cigna. The way the Creeks work is they approve a referral and you go see the specialist or surgeon and get the job done. Then your private insurance pays and the Creeks pick up all cost after that. First hip replacement no problems. Second hip replacement Cigna was refusing payment on about half of cost. Creeks gave up and paid all cost. Now on Medicare and have plan B. The Creeks work well with Medicare and now payment issues are in the past. None of it is right. No one is raising an issue about this so the insurance companies play there game. I guess when people start dropping dead from lack of medical care something will be done. I have friends who are not Creek and have to carry plan C on their medicare and the new premiums are killing them. They are paying more and getting less coverage. Last look at insurance company profits for last quarter they all are making a killing. Denying doctor visits and procedures should not be the business of insurance companies.
Sonny1, It seems your bionic with the hips replaced. Only problem I see is the pain in your butt that's gone unaddressed.
I would highly recomend that anyone looking into Medicare plans, go see a qualified Medicare insurance agent ! Not some nerd on the phone, it doesn't cost you anything !! Agents can't charge for their service, find an independent agency so they can take your medical information and find the right plan ! I followed that advice....while our plans are not perfect in any way, they are far better and better priced than most of our friends. It pays to shop...but, by an experienced independent agent !! Also depends on where you live, insurance co. make deals with the states and the laws governing them...again, a good agent will find the best plan at the best price !!!
I would highly recomend that anyone looking into Medicare plans, go see a qualified Medicare insurance agent ! Not some nerd on the phone, it doesn't cost you anything !! Agents can't charge for their service, find an independent agency so they can take your medical information and find the right plan ! I followed that advice....while our plans are not perfect in any way, they are far better and better priced than most of our friends. It pays to shop...but, by an experienced independent agent !! Also depends on where you live, insurance co. make deals with the states and the laws governing them...again, a good agent will find the best plan at the best price !!!
That is good advice.
I agree with all of that! All the advice I have to give is let my wife have at it! I got really cheap insurance that covers everything except eyes and dental. Small deductibles and a yearly out of pocket cap of less than $300. All I know about it is it's the insurance that AARP promotes on TV. Works for me. I do know though as I get older the rates are going to go up along with the out of pocket I'm sure. Another tip is it pays to be poor when it comes to insurance. At least on paper. ;-) I was getting Obama care awhile back for like $300 a year.
Mine started out not very expensive at age 65, but it increases every year as you get older...mine has no deductables and no copays, 100% coverage of hospital and doctor, no network, can go to anyone. Started at 150 per month now at 73, up to 275 per month. But....had a heart attack and a triple bypass to the tune of 188,000.00 and I paid O while costly it can be worth it.
My current advantage plan carrier didn't renew their contract with my preferred medical physicians group (where my primary and specialists are). Consequently, I have to change to a new carrier. Cost will be about the same and coverage is comparable, so I'm OK with switching. Doc visits have zero co-pay. Specialists are $5 or $15/visit (can't remember). Med's are zero out of pocket. Dental and eye exam coverage is limited. Dental basically pays for a couple of check-ups. Anything beyond that is out of pocket. The monthly advantage plan costs over the Part B premium are about equivalent to a day of fishing, so not so bad for me. All I know is if I were paying out of pocket for the care I get these days I would be in a world of hurt.

The bad news is I have to start the RMD from my IRA next year. That will drive-up my Part B premium, no to mention my income taxes, by quite a lot. High class problem I guess. Who knows, maybe they will raise the RMD age again.

I'm OK with the premiums for the broad coverages I get against high cost medical procedures. I'm not OK with claims practices that are harmful to people needing care. For anyone encountering that, I would recommend filing an unfair claims practice with their state's insurance department.
Why is it our fault if you failed to properly prepare for your retirement ?? I was an average hard working father and husband and raised three kids. Wife worked part time when she could. We rarely bought anything new, mostly used and I did my own maintenence. My kids required braces and we had no insurance for them. I worked three jobs for twenty years to keep the bills paid and to be able to put some away for don't give me any crap about being rich until you have walked in my shoes !!
How many of you folks worked three jobs for over twenty years to support your family so you didn't go on free gov't handouts !! Today it is much easier to sit home on your butt and complain about how terrible your handout has become when you could have gotten off your but and went to work, even if it meant multiple jobs to make things better !!
I retired from the military at a young age so me and the family are well covered at no cost. It works out well for the wife and kids they can see whatever doctor they like all at no cost but I get stuck going to the local VA hospital.
Sounds like you pissed alot of you income uncle was a welder for 25 years, after that retired for good!! But he spent his money wisely !! As for your information, my parents and my wifes parents were poor, we helped to support them !! Sounds like a liberal that blames everyone else for his poor choices...look in the mirror !!

Dude, you need to chill. You got a chip on your shoulder, don't take it out on me. Sheesh, we all share how much we put into our boats without judgement. The advantage plan I mention is about $43/month. I said I was happy to pay the premium for the coverage provided. I'm happy you have free medical. I don't. Being in my 70's having adequate medical coverage is a priority that I have to cover. Most folk can elect to put savings in an IRA in order to defer taxes until retirement. If that is upsetting to you, that is your problem not mine.

Maybe to protect you delicate emotional state you should ignore my posts.
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Sounds like you pissed alot of you income uncle was a welder for 25 years, after that retired for good!! But he spent his money wisely !! As for your information, my parents and my wifes parents were poor, we helped to support them !! Sounds like a liberal that blames everyone else for his poor choices...look in the mirror !!

Yep. I paid my own way through college. Got rid of the hobbies and prioritized my family during my working life. Took care of my Mom after my father passed away. Was I lucky? Sure because I was taught what was important and had the opportunity to work my a$$ off to get ahead. We saved for the future so Mrs Ldubs and I can enjoy our retirement.
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Dude, you need to chill. You got a chip on your shoulder, don't take it out on me. Sheesh, we all share how much we put into our boats without judgement. The advantage plan I mention is about $43/month. I said I was happy to pay the premium for the coverage provided. I'm happy you have free medical. I don't. Being in my 70's having adequate medical coverage is a priority that I have to cover. Most folk can elect to put savings in an IRA in order to defer taxes until retirement. If that is upsetting to you, that is your problem not mine.

Maybe to protect you delicate emotional state you should ignore my posts.

He's been reported for his multiple, unhinged personal attacks on members of this site on this and other threads.

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