meh I'd still eat them maybe not all the time, but I'd eat them. I'd no complaints losing a 10" dink to catch a 47" musky. Apparently I'm the only one that doesn't have a shear hatred for the pike/musky.
Catfish do indeed bass, I know because I have used live bass for flattie bait. In a river I primarily smallmouth fish spotted bass(kentucky bass) also inhabit it. Way I see it the spots are the biggest competition of the smallies in terms of forage, so if I keep a bass it tends to be them. Anyways in this particular river bass between 12-15" can't be kept, only two over 15" can be kept a limit of bass is four fish. Most the spots rarely get over 13" in the river. Some of the small spots I have kept may have made they're way on to the end of line for flat heads, and I have gotten some nice catfish on little bass. However I question how bass catfish are actually eating other than weak ones considering in most watersheds that catfish are present there are plenty of small panfish, shad, baby carp, minnow species for them to eat.
The invasive species I hate are the f'ing asian carp those stupids things are the worst, far worse than any pike, musky, or catfish. The things are worthless and over take a water way really fast. Yes they provide a food source for some catfish, but not much of one. Only the largest of catfish are capable of eating ones of any size. When they are little baby fish that could be a good food source for bass and cats, but they grow so fast it doesn't take long before hardly anything can eat them. I have had times I've gotten so many baby ones in a cast net I've use them for bait. They have caught fish for me, but if the bastards jump in my boat they quickly get their head bashed or stomped in. They're ok eat honestly don't taste bad at all, just a pain to clean cause they have a lot of bones. Most the ones I kill end up in my compost pile, which most the time before they even compost racoons or buzzards get to them.