Irresponsible dog owners

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You can get a motion sensor that turns on a sprinkler when the dog or animal comes on your yard.
cyberflexx said:
Is there anything I can put on my yard to keep the dogs from dropping a duece there? My front yard gets full of landmines, i know where they are when I go to mow since the grass is always greener in a yard mine. I cant let my kids play out front, since they might get in the poo and my fenced backyard is always a swamp due to water run off from the upper part of the hill. It takes my backyard 4 days to be dry enough to walk on. I have been looking for something that stinks or may burn their nose alittle but I dont want anything toxic that would hurt them or my family. Is there anything to put around the border ( other than a fence since I cant have a front yard fence )? I had thought about constantly blasting high pitches warble tones that a human cant hear, to hopefully keep them away.

Any ideas would be great.. I dont want to harm the dogs, I just dont want their little gifts left in my yard..

I assume these are dogs not on a leash that are leaving the parting gifts. If you know whose dogs they are, I'd ask the owners to either keep the dogs off your lawn or to have them come clean up after them every day. Thats :BS: to not be able to let the kids play in your own front yard because of someone else's pet, let alone having to cut grass over it. Is this unreasonable?

This is a dog owner issue, not a dog issue. Loud noises, burning noses, and stink stuff don't address what's causing the problem IMO.
I got the same problem with the neighbors dogs.... I pick the poop up with a shovel and give it back to the rightful owners' yard...

to keep them from spraying my leyland cypresses and other small trees - cheap bottles of cayenne pepper work wonders.. they go up to sniff, get a big dose of that in their nostrils and just start peeing uncontrollably as they try to figure out what is going on. They don't mess with those trees much anymore and seldom come back into my yard since they have to pass by them first
juggernoob said:
lckstckn2smknbrls said:
You can get a motion sensor that turns on a sprinkler when the dog or animal comes on your yard.

Hehe.. this thing will probably blast my kids when they go to 'inspect' the new thing in the yard.. hahahahaha..

Thanks for the idea..

About the dog owner.. one of the dogs ( i think) not verified is my mother in laws. She is also my kids buddy so I dont want to hurt Ms Maggy [Golden Lab] ( she is really a good dog and great with my kids). I dont want to make my mother in law mad since she watches my 3 kids for free during the week while me and the wife work and will take them places to give me and my wife an hour break to go get dinner or to a movie (we have 3 kids 5yrs and under). Now the other runt dog , Sir WagsAlot is notorius for dropping dooky. Every wednesday he eats well since he likes to go garbaging around the neighborhood (thats when everyone has their trash out for the trash service pickup). I havent seen him giving presents in my yard, but those are the only 2 dogs and when you see a small pile, you can bet it was him. I dont know who owns sir wagsalot. There is probably 1 big pile to 3 little piles and when I mow, there is at least 6 piles in the front/side yards. I hate mowing the fresh ones, those are stinky nukers when the get sliced and diced by my mulcher blade.

Do you think moth balls or something like that would work?
cyberflexx said:
when I mow, there is at least 6 piles in the front/side yards. I hate mowing the fresh ones, those are stinky nukers when the get sliced and diced by my mulcher blade.

Free fertilizer. :lol:
Just tell your mother in law there are neighborhood dogs messing up the yard. Don't mention her dog might be one of them.
okay....well the whole MIL part of the story adds another twist.

Personally, I'd want to find out which dog is a repeat offender. Easy to do with a webcam pointed out the window and recorded to the hardrive. Just play it back at 3x/7x once you've found the new poo and again.....I would think of a way to address the owner instead of the dog.

If it was the MIL's dog, I'd have no problem telling her, that you or one of the kids just tracked dog poo all into the house from the front yard and now are considering having to have the carpets professionally cleaned, and ask her if she has noticed any dogs leaving their calling cards...... or better yet, tell her you found one of the 3 kids 5yrs and under playing with the dog poo in the yard and had it on their face. Maybe that's the subtle approach that says..."If you happen to see your dog about to poo in my yard, please stop it, and if it does, please remove it because it either costs me money to deal with, or is a health concern to the family."

I'd also take a pic of Sir WagsAlot, make up some flyers and pass them around the neighborhood asking...."Do you know who's dog this is?" and if anyone asks why.... give them the carpet cleaning story or one of your own that associates the dogs poop in your yard with an expense. Undoubtedly, one of your neighbors is probably the recipient as well from time to time and would support contacting the owner.

If you'd prefer to bypass any confrontation with the owner and simply go after the dog, everything I've read about the subject seems to favor the cayenne pepper route like Russ explained.
I had a good chuckle at the OP's story, but a more humane way to deal with it would have been to collect all the land mines in your yard and move them to the neighbor’s front steps. (Thats what my neighbor did to me and I got the message) :oops:

On a related note, it is very easy to train your dog to stay in your yard without buying an expensive underground fence. I got a cheap remote shock collar and for a few weeks, always went outside with the dog or watched from the window when I let her out. If she wandered over the property line, I would give her a little buzz (not strong enough to make her yelp, just strong enough to make her cock her head like WTF?), followed by a good scolding.
Later, I would play fetch with her and periodically throw her toy or ball over the property line and buzz her when she crossed. I'd say it took about 4 weeks of this to have her trained completely.
Now when I throw a ball or she sees a rabbit off our property, she just sits and stares at it. She will only cross if I go first and call her over.
WhiteMoose said:
I had a good chuckle at the OP's story, but a more humane way to deal with it would have been to collect all the land mines in your yard and move them to the neighbor’s front steps. (Thats what my neighbor did to me and I got the message) :oops:

well... actually, I did - and between their 4 dogs, there was enough to cover each step. Needless to say, it didn't stop
WhiteMoose said:
I had a good chuckle at the OP's story, but a more humane way to deal with it would have been to collect all the land mines in your yard and move them to the neighbor’s front steps. (Thats what my neighbor did to me and I got the message) :oops:

Maybe I should start taking my own poo and putting it at the edge of the yard. The dogs will think some big dog was in their bathroom and not come back around.. HAHAHAHAHA!! :lol: :lol:

I might try the pepper thing. I could put it along the edge my yard at the street then down my driveway..
My other neighbor sprays something on her trashbags to keep the dogs out. I had to buy a big trashcan with flip lid to keep them from looking for a snack on trash night. I think she is spraying ammonia or bleach but that will kill my grass if i laced the border with that stuff..

About the webcam, thats a good idea, put it on motion sensing. I have one setup at my desk at work so I can see if the security guards or cleaning crew is messing around with my stuff at night. I am in I.T. so I have neat gadgets plus bass times and bassmaster mags laying around. Yup, I.T. geek who likes to bass fish.. :)
I'd probably question the whole "put the poo on people's doorstep" tactic. The wrong person on the wrong day, and you end up in deeper doo-doo than what's collecting in the grass.
Brine said:
I'd probably question the whole "put the poo on people's doorstep" tactic. The wrong person on the wrong day, and you end up in deeper doo-doo than what's collecting in the grass.

I'll deal with that when it happens... but I do go over and scoop the poop and toss it back in their yard - whether they are outside or not. I don't let my dog crap in their yard (well... I do now), but he's picky and only wants to go in the woods when I let him out of the fence.

We're having a problem with coyotes and I can always tell when they have been through the woods beside my house because Kodiak pees and pees then goes straight to the water hose to refill
I hate "Irresponsible dog owners". I had these neighbors when I first moved here from my familys dairy farm, They would let there dogs and cats pee and poo in our front yard. Once or twice can be over looked, I run with our working lab to keep him in shape and honestly if its raining or snowing I aint gonna pick it up, It can wait and I am sure i have forgot a pile or two. But twice a day is crazy, For the record I never leashed a dog till I moved to the city but neigbors were far and few then. Our first year in this house our front yard had little bare spots all over it from urine, The talking to them or leaving it on the side walk didn't work at all. On late summer night I got a little buzzed and took a sprayer of salt and vinegar to there front yard while they were out. All fall,winter, and spring long they never crapped in our yard, The ladies wouldn't bring them out front cause I guess there yard was to muddy. Thanking about it now I would hate if somebody did that to me but I guess I might get the point. As far as burning a dogs rump, Go for it. It is the dogs owners fault but if he doin't care its up to you. In this town here if you can prove that the pet owner isn't picking up after its pet by photo or video they will send a dog catcher out to look at you images/video. If they can find the crap they fine the owner 100 bucks. I don't know if its working yet, they just put it into affect last fall.

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