Is this a bad idea? Gas tank + floatation foam

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Well-known member
May 11, 2015
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While working on my boat I found my gas tank had jumped its corner mounts. Would it be a bad idea to glue some floatation foam on the sides and top to prevent this from happening again or is it a fire hazard? There is spray in foam only inches away as is. This floatation foam was pulled from a g3 boat when I modded its storage.

The foam will not like contact from the gas, but don't believe it is a fire hazard. Gas and gas vapors shouldn't be leaking out of the tank if it is in good order. If they are, that alone is a fire hazard.

If, when, you have to remove the tank, I'd use the glue very sparingly, if needed at all.

I wouldn't make it too tight of a fit between the deck and top of the tank. If the deck flexes a little, when you stand on it, you don't want the stresses applied to the plastic tank. Could crack it over time.
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