I ran them through the the side channels and under the ribs. Then I used black corrugated split tubing the hid and protect exposed wires.Gramps50 said:Jay what did you use as a conduct to run the wires?
just the side channels for that very reason. I also tried to put the split in the conduit down so water doesn't collect insideKevinWI said:wondered if you used the bottom rib channels for that....I didn't want to do that because the channels allow water (and dirt) flow under the floor and didn't want to block that...
Gramps50 said:Glad to see you finally got some help working on the boat. =D>
Okay I have to ask what were you filming with? I will assume that it's waterproof.
Nice setup, hope you can return the one that you purchased.....
oh yea I know he did! he'd spray me if I gave him the chance! loljojo said:HAHA! That kid is hilarious. You know he wanted to put that in the boat.
Thanks! The pump out leaves about 2" of water because the suction cup base elevates it a little and the livewell is slightly deeper in the center. But I used the fill pump to get the rest of the water out and it only left about a half a cup of water. I then removed the rest with a towel. It's gonna work out just fine. Now I need to fish!! Hoping to get out Sunday, but its still kind of cold.gillhunter said:Jay, now we know what you did this weekend :LOL2: Looks great. Really should work well!