Good looking fish Jay! Looks like was a fun day. =D>
kustomguitarist said:Hey Jay, I have the same boat as you (MV1648) and I'm in the process of modifying mine. I really like what you've done with yours and I have a quick question. I've heard of people cutting out the top of the back seat, removing the foam, and then using a piece of plywood as the new seat. Thereby adding another area for storage. Did you ever consider this? If so, is there a reason why you chose not to? If anyone else has done this I'd be interested in your input as well.
Jay415 said:I didn't consider it at all because I purchased the boat new and it has a 5 year warranty. Any modifications that are made that will affect the boat's structural integrity (removing supports, ribs or seats) or removal of any foam will void warranty. Many people do exactly as you mentioned, Some add foam other places for what they remove and some don't. Foam doesn't assist with flotation in normal use. Foam is there to keep you afloat if you get fully swamped (another reason I would not want to remove it)
grover said:I'm pretty new here so I have a stupid question. The cleats (looks like 1 1/2" x 1 1/2") attached to the back of the boat to hold up the hinged platform...are they just screwed in from outside the boat?
gillhunter said:Sounds like a fun day and looks like you caught some nice fish also. Those are great day's when you get into them like that!! I've been caught in the rain while fishing, but never in a hail storm :shock: .