Jet boat Project

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That is a good question. I show my block parts arriving 1:00 PM on 3-6-2012. I e-mailed him a few days later to see if he knew about when I should plan on getting it back. He told me hopefully the end of last week. I don't want to pester a man, but I wish I knew what to expect for turn around as it is fishing season and I have trips planned. I do know I don't want to rush him either as he told me he is completely going through all of the motor and its components. He said when I get it back it will have been runned and tested to make sure everything is installed and operating as expected. I hear nothing but good things so I am really excited about getting it back. Plus I hate riding co-pilot in buddy's boats when they are running a prop and a jet fly by us. Then I never hear the end about how my boat isn't even running so I can't say anything.
It's been two weeks now...I don't think it would hurt to make a phone call to see where he stands on it. I've talked to him before and he seems nice enough.
I finally got through to Chris. The block I am buying is his son's and he wants him to do the work so it looks like possibly later next week before I get my block back. I hope it doesn't take longer then that. That is pushing it too far into the fishing season for me. Especially since I still need to do break in. Hope it is worth the wait. Seems to be a relaly nice block and should do me right. I got the new shaft and bearing installed last night so the pump is ready. Just waiting on Chris now. Man I can't wait till I get to try it all out for real.
Sounds great. I thought that all his blocks came with a break in already done?? Maybe not??

His son's block? Isn't that a used engine? Maybe I'm forgetting what you're getting from him.

I'm hoping you get on the water real soon.
To answer your questions yes. They say thy are broke in for the first two hours but the remaining break in is at home. After discussing what I was looking for in a motor he told me his son had an unfinished project that he sold and has the block left over. It was the exact same block I was looking for just tweaked a little. He said his son was doing the work so therefore he was going to let him finish it. Just hope his son works for him... Now you got me thinking. I am sure it will be a hoss of a motor just hope to see it soon.
Got some good news yesterday evening... Chris Carson's son, called to let me know he was getting started and said he should have the block put together and up and going in the next couple days. Sucks not sooner as I am missing a trip to Choke Canyon, but hopefully I will get it back in time for the next tournaments I have coming up. I will have to get some pictures as I have done some more work on the boat as well as order a fresh water pump impeller to install on the jet pump. Just tinkering until I can get the motor back in my hands. Looks like I may be spending some more money on a new jet impeller as well as I don't have many shim washers left and I know I can't shim it up much more. Seems like I have over done the work I was thinking of doing this year. Only good thing I guess is I can say I basically have a brand new motor from the power head to the shaft, bearings, and other pump parts for more then half the price of buying new. Not sure that makes me feel better but we will see once I get the block in my hands. I will update yall when that happens. Till then fish some fore me.
Just got off the phone with Chris. Motor is shipping out today so I should havce it by next week. Man I am glad this thing is finally coming. It was coming down to the wire on some fishing trips I have planned. Not to mention the ol lady bitching about the boat being in the garage since December. Here is some new pictures of work I have been pittling with. Just a couple more things and I will be out of stuff to do to it at least till this winter.


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Finally got my block back. Looks awsome as it is painted a copper gold color. I put it back on the midsection and backed the boat into my tank and ran it for 2 hours at an idle for the initial start of the break in. It ran good and sounds nice. i didn't get any pictures of it yet but I will get some tonight. I plan on taking it out after work to run it for the next couple of hours of break in. I think by the end of the weekend I should have it completely broke in and just in time for my tourney next weekend. I will get some pictures up tonight and maybe some videos from over the weekend.
River Rider said:
Finally got my block back. Looks awsome as it is painted a copper gold color. I put it back on the midsection and backed the boat into my tank and ran it for 2 hours at an idle for the initial start of the break in. It ran good and sounds nice. i didn't get any pictures of it yet but I will get some tonight. I plan on taking it out after work to run it for the next couple of hours of break in. I think by the end of the weekend I should have it completely broke in and just in time for my tourney next weekend. I will get some pictures up tonight and maybe some videos from over the weekend.

Happy to hear this is finally coming together. IMHO, that took way too long to get a motor back. Hope all goes very well for you from here on out.
Here are some pictures. Kinda dig the colors.


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Well just an update on how the new block runs. The motor has been bored, port, and polished to about an 80 horse. I finally got enough break in hours to where I could get the bought up on plane. That is when I found out that the block turns too fast for my jet as it would cavitate when I would try to get the boat on plane. After all weekend of going through everything I finally put the prop lower unit on and decided to run the boat to finish the break in. Man... That boat screams. I am talking turning less then 4 grand rpms and still up on plane and backed off the throttle. After talking with Lil blue rude I was directed that to run my jet I need a bigger impeller to slow the rpms. So I have some more money to put into what started as my river boat, but if it runs like it did today I will be happy. I am thinking of a new name for the boat but for sure everyone here knows the flat black evinrude is known as copper top because of the blocks paint job. I will update y'all when the impeller is in. I can't wait
Well I just got the bigger impeller in. It is the 7 3/16 stainless 4 blade. I wanted a 3 blade but they were out and I had to have it for this weekend. Good news is it worked. I jumped up on plane and shagged butt. Not sure the speed but I am turning 4000 rpm wide open and I think I should be able to do more. It is roughly more rpms, but not ever over 5. I wonder if I should have just went with a stainless prop the same size I had with the aluminum to slow it down just perfect. Lil blue if you have any ideas let me know otherwise I am sure I will be good with what I have.
Latest update is I sent back the big impeller for the 6 7/8" stainless 3 blade. David Martin at Ernie's worked with me on the exchange, and I just recievced the new impeller. The only problem now is I noticed that this impeller as a different shear key then the one I have. SO now I have to see if I can find one locally. I might be lucky and have kept the keys I was giving the first time I bought parts from outboard jets, as I wasn't sure what style key I had so I got both the round and the square. (the square is the one I need) I will up date yall with how things work out once I get a new shear key.
Well finally the boat runs just right. I turn 6000 rpm wide open with two guys. I run 35 gps mph and it is a blast. Lil blue rude knows what he is talking about when it comes to jet motors. My motor was on the breaking point when it came to which size props but it is perfect now. We had a blast on the Colorado today and wasn't even fishing but I still caught something. Just to let people know when they say wild hogs are over populating this picture should prove it. We were just cruising and came across four of these bastards and one got away.


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Glad to here you finally got it going. How much better does the 56cube do then the old 49cube? How it come out of the water?
Oh yeah, Mmmmm bacon =P~

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