I have a Johnson 1972 9.5 horse (9r72m). I recently got it back from a friend who had it running last time he used it. Now i cant get any gas to pass through the carburetor. I took the carb apart and cleaned it well even though it was not dirty. I sprayed carb cleaner through the main jet and idle holes to make sure they were free of obstructions. I also replaced the Float, needle, and needle seat. I even tried putting the carb together with out the float and gas just comes a float chamber over flow hole at the top of the carb housing. Ive tried everything but no matter what i cant get gas to come out of the main jet and idle holes in the carb. I removed and cleaned the slow speed needle ans I even replaced the fuel pump. The engine starts right up when gas is poured into the top of the carb. Please help ive been stumped on this problem for 2 weeks now and i cant figure it out.