Reading over the above thread I found myself kicking myself in the ass and now hating my father that much more. Dad and I had a rough relationship growing up, dad was abusive towards everyone in the house. I worked and paid for my own 12' boat and 15 HP outboard when I was pretty young though clamming. The boat was a cheaply built Sears brand and worked well enough for me the first few years. After that a crack started on the starboard side of the hull, it eventually became some 6-8" long.
Being a kid I had no idea where to find an aluminum welder and even how much one would cost, so I tried all sort of store bought epoxy's to fix the crack. Needless to say none of them worked and I eventually sold the boat for $50 to a local guy that just wanted her for rowing around the area.
What pissed me now is, my father never once said let's look into getting it re-welded, he knew I would be willing to pay my own way as I had done so on many other purchases, but even if he didn't think I could pay he could have talked over my options with me.
If a weld would cost in the area of $30 now, 40 years ago it had to be a little less and I could have paid for it with a couple of days worth of clams.
He took pleasure in hurting people, damned if this doesn't fit right in with him.
Thanks for letting me rant. I love dad in my own way, but man, he sucked sometimes.
Reading over the above thread I found myself kicking myself in the ass and now hating my father that much more. Dad and I had a rough relationship growing up, dad was abusive towards everyone in the house. I worked and paid for my own 12' boat and 15 HP outboard when I was pretty young though clamming. The boat was a cheaply built Sears brand and worked well enough for me the first few years. After that a crack started on the starboard side of the hull, it eventually became some 6-8" long.
Being a kid I had no idea where to find an aluminum welder and even how much one would cost, so I tried all sort of store bought epoxy's to fix the crack. Needless to say none of them worked and I eventually sold the boat for $50 to a local guy that just wanted her for rowing around the area.
What pissed me now is, my father never once said let's look into getting it re-welded, he knew I would be willing to pay my own way as I had done so on many other purchases, but even if he didn't think I could pay he could have talked over my options with me.
If a weld would cost in the area of $30 now, 40 years ago it had to be a little less and I could have paid for it with a couple of days worth of clams.
He took pleasure in hurting people, damned if this doesn't fit right in with him.
Thanks for letting me rant. I love dad in my own way, but man, he sucked sometimes.