Just bought me some Charlie Brewer's Sliders need some help


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Alright, I will be heading into Bass Pro this Sunday hopefully I can find some red shad and also pick up some 1/16 snagless slider heads. Thanks for all the help everyone!

I will be trying out a co-worker's pond located @ his house, he was telling me he has huge large mouths in his pond along with huge catfish, says no one fishes his pond since it's on his own 10 acre land. Also said he's been throwing his Christmas tree's in there for the fish to have cover to hide underneath, seems like I might have some good action this weekend will post pics!
While you are at BPS - pick up a few packs of the Yamamoto 4" senkos that are on clearance - black or dark green. They will work!
this is probably too late but Watermelon Red Flake or just plane Watermelon will work.
Well went fishing today and only caught 1 crappie, I thought I was going to get skunked but ended up with a nice size crappie. I really need a boat asap! Also lost another lure again and my pole broke when I tried to get off a rock...... have no idea how my pole just gave way but at least I can take it back sooooooooo another trip to bass pro tomorrow. Either I need a boat or a new spot, sucks going fishing when you don't get want your fishing for lol. And I always get stuck on those rocks grrrrrrrrrrr, need a boat so I am able to fish deeper. Need to figure out where all these LMB are hiding.
Well went to a pond today owned by someone who I work for, and I ended up with at least 10 LMB all about 2lbs or 3lbs great day I did not keep any as I just like to fish for a hobby. But caught them all on my charlie brewer sliders in watermelon and a couple off pumpkin seed. Took everyone's advice and fished them really slow and worked like a charm, hopefully fishing like this will work at Truman Lake next time. Until then Thanks everyone!
If you get the book from www.sliderfishing.com it will help greatly. It seems Charlie repeats himself in the book, but really doesn't. It's a very easy book to read and I am making an honest suggestion.....read it six times before going out fishing for the first time and read it once every two times after that for the next 4 times out. That little book has been responsible for my fishing to improve vastly. I'd also use a small weight or not a bit of weight on a number one or two hook, especially starting out. Get a few black worms and a few natural color worms to use and go from there. His crappie hook in the 1/16 size is good to start with if you need weight. The key is slowing down a lot with little or no weight. It will work....it will really work if you get it from the book.

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