If you are looking for a boat, craigslist is an awesome place to shop this time of year. For $1500, you should be able to find something with a good hull and motor. I bought my 16 footer with a 40hp for $800. Of course I redid the whole boat (this is how I found the most awesome website -tinboats.net) and now I have exactly what I wanted for much less than what I was looking at spending before.
Edit - just checked craigslist - 14 footers for 250 (yes really! and looks in decent shape with a motor), 500, 2 @800 all fishable rigs. 16 footers at 1250 and 1500, with motors and look in RTF (ready to fish) state. Even a 10 year old glass bass boat for $2000 (with motor and new batteries). I should buy some of the really cheap stuff and rebuild the motors to sell in the spring. Could make a killing on the motors alone.