So a few days ago I ordered a couple of new rods and reels. Not that I need any more than what I already have but........ :LOL2: They came today. The reels are nice. I open the rod packages up and yep there's the two rods. I put the spinning reel on the spinning rod and head to the garage to find some 6# to put on it. Not like I can use it anytime soon but it's a new toy and I want to play! Trip down the steps and jam the tip and break it. #-o Just got off the phone with the retailer. New one will be here late next week. I bought these rods on sale. By the time I get the replacement spinning rod it will have cost me 1.5 times what a regular priced one would of cost me. I suppose some would lie and say it was broke in the box but I'll own up to my stupidity and hastyness.