Laptop suggestions

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Well-known member
Aug 26, 2009
Reaction score
Milledgeville GA
Ok boys and girls, I'm getting deployed here pretty soon. I need some suggestions for a decent laptop in the 400-600 dollar range. I will (hopefully) be using it to video chat with the family, create word and excel docs, and watch the occasional movie. Any help would be appreciated.
I got one of these (or rather my wife got me one for Christmas) on black Friday for under $400. I love it.
I have no idea what laptop to suggest...

I just wanted to take this opportunity to THANK YOU for all your sacrifices to protect me and my freedom. May God bless you and keep you safe. That goes for your family and all your loved ones as will be in my prayers.....

I bought a Toshiba with 2 gb Ram and a 250 gb Hard drive from Wal-mart before Christmas for $300.00. I see that the same unit, but with 3 gb RAM... is now selling for $400.00. I am pleased with mine.

I also appreciate your service. Perhaps, you might think about wearing your fatigues when you go shopping.

Might help on price, especially if you mention that you need it because you will be being shipped out. I know that I'd give you a break if I was the manager of a some computer place.
Thank You Rich
I've had great luck with Toshiba's. Being an over the road trucker I need a sturdy laptop that can handle the rough conditions. When looking a laptops(to be used in rough conditions) consider how sturdy the hinges are. In your price range your going to have a good choice of computers. The only laptop that I've ever been unhappy with is Dell's (just to cheaply made to survive being used in the truck and poor customer service when trying to upgrade).
I like my toshiba. I customized it from their site a few years ago and its still kicking. Plus it has a built in web cam and finger print scanner. The only bad thing is it had a crap load of bloat-ware on it. They are good for the money (way cheaper then Dell)
There are a few deals like that posted in that price range on

Lenova and HP I think.

No suggestions on the laptop, but a quick bit of advice. If you're going to one of the desert areas, keep your laptop in a well sealed container of some type when you're not using it. Both of my boy's laptops were useless after about four months. The sand/grit/dust is hell on intricate moving parts.

Good Luck on your deployment and do everything you can to keep yourself safe. Don't let somebody else get you hurt. :USA1:
Gunny I can get you AntiVirus and Office. Don't spend the money on those things.

$499 Today!

Very decent computer too. Newer processor, huge Drive.....all you need.

The one is 17 inches.
Jim said:
Gunny I can get you AntiVirus and Office. Don't spend the money on those things.

$499 Today!

Very decent computer too. Newer processor, huge Drive.....all you need.

The one is 17 inches.

That's the one that the wife bought me for Christmas. It is a very nice unit. The high def led is fantastic.

I actually wanted a 17" computer but I won't be doing a whole lot of travelling with it, either.

I still need to get office for it. My 9 year old version is a bit outdated. :lol:
re may, or may not, know that the free, legal version...called .. Open Office .... is great. Takes forever to download, but it has all of the parts of MS Office. Reads all of the MS Word and Excel files..and you can save in either MS's original format, or in Open Office's format.

I think Adobe put it out just to P. O. MicroSoft.

Try it, you will like it. Good and legal... Open Source is really great for we cheap, frugal and conservative guys/gals.
regards, Rich
Something on my computer is set to download required portions of it whenever you attempt to open files that would normally open in Office. Seems like it downloaded it's version of Word already. Are they just readers or can you actually use them?
Quack...Oh, it is a full services program. Even If you never heard of MS could still load up Open Office and run with it.

Create; Save and Print; and send on to others. When I send something on to others, I save it in MS Word ( or Excel) format, because I don't know if the other guy has Open Office. Rich
Thanks alot guys, this is one of the many reasons I love this forum. The computer and I will be going to Afganistan so the dust contaminaiton will be less of an issue than Iraq. Thanks again fellas. Jim, that HP you suggested fits the bill nicely. I don't know a whole about computers so that helps a bunch.
I use Open Office at home for school and at work. No problems for me.
Not as flashy as the latest MS but much cheaper and does what I need.
I would like to throw in Asus as a great suggestion. Their laptops are pretty much bulletproof.
Ive been looking for a sub $400 laptop for the neighbors birthday, but havent seen much other than whats at walmart. This morning I did get an add from tigerdirect tho, thought ya might wanna check it out Also good luck on your deployment and be safe [-o< and if your able to sign into TB please drop a post and let us know how your doing now and again and thanks for your service!
Thanks everyone, I'll be heading out after one this weekend. Hopefully I will have some access to the internet while deployed, and I will stay in touch as much as possible.
I have had good luck with Newegg. There return policy is great if you do have a problem.