My Group 29 lead acid trolling motor battery is starting to slow down. For the last few years, I could fish a long day with no problem. Now, it's getting weak by the afternoon. It's time to replace, and I'm considering lithium.
I've heard that you get double the useable charge from lithium. So a 50A lithium will run your motor as long as a 100A lead acid battery, in theory.
1. Is this true about double the runtime per rated amps?
2. Do any of you run a 50AH battery for your TM?
3. If so, how long does it last for you? Happy with it?
Please let me know what you think. Trying to figure out whether the extra cost is worth it. I'm also thinking that if I eventually buy two 50 AH, I can use them for my 24V motor on my other boat. Thanks!
I have a 100Ah LiFePO4 running my 55# thrust Minn Kota Powerdrive.
Regarding your comment that "I've heard that you get double the useable charge from lithium. So a 50A lithium will run your motor as long as a 100A lead acid battery, in theory." I don't think it works as cleanly as that. Real world results vary greatly with actual conditions. However, I think it's true that there is MUCH more available energy in a LiFePO4 than there is in the traditional lead acid batteries. Dakota Lithium's web site touts "2X the Power." OK, but is it twice as much stored energy, or is it because more of the stored energy in a LiFePO4 is available for use compared to a traditional lead acid? The energy in a LiFePO4 is dispensed at differing rates over time from the discharge curve of a lead acid battery. This is beginning to make my head hurt...
My 100Ah LiFePO4 is a cheap brand I bought on Amazon. I paid $349 for it a year ago. That same battery is now $310. A 50Ah LiFePO4 of the same brand is now $198. Cost per amp hour decreases as a bigger battery is bought, at least with that brand. I checked Dakota Lithium pricing and cost per amp hour stayed the same for 50Ah battery versus the 100Ah.
My experience, which is limited, results in me being happy so far with my 100Ah battery. I don't have a shunt on the battery that tells me how much of the battery's capacity I've used. I'll typically fish for 4-6 hours, and the troller is what I use for anchoring, making short runs between fishing spots, and adjusting positioning. It's probably not very taxing on the battery. But that battery does more than power the TM. It powers two fishfinders (not a large draw) and is also hooked to the bilge pump and nav lights (both rarely used).
If it was me, and I wanted to run my TM all day, I think I'd take the recommendation to size the battery at the TM manufacturer's recommendation. For my Minn Kota, that's 100Ah.
One final aspect....and it regards moving your battery between boats to team it with another like battery for a 24V will you make sure that your setup is balanced when you hook those two batteries together? It's something you have to think about.