Living Poorly...

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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2008
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My old man always say everything bangs the fat finger (thumb), it can not scape dissaster...

I have been with T-mobile for the longest time, I guess loyalty so I have not try any of the others.

I live in the country, there is no much cellular signal around here.

Last time I renew my contract I stayed with T-mobile because of ability to connect to the hotspot, that is by connecting to the house wireless network, I get full reception inside the house and the minutes are free at all times.

The thing with this technology is that if the wireless signal fails in the middle of a call, the phone can switch and connect to a T-mobile tower without droping the call, but it doesn't allert you either. It is a good thing because you dont loose the call, but it is a bad thing because you go from free minutes to charged minutes with no notice.

My mom (65yrs old) is staying with us taking care of the little ones to help us save money on child care expenses. I decided to leave her my cell phone in case of an emergency so that she can contact me at work in case she needed me and so that I can check up on her and the baby throughout the day.

Well, I never new my mom talks so much on the phone until today, and the sad thing is that she doesn't know anything about the phone and how it connects to the wireless network. Seems like all this time the phone has not been able to connect to the wireless router and my mom have been using mintues through the roof.

Today is pay day for me and when I go to check on the bank, I see that I only have $70 on the account, when I check the account details, I see the T-mobile automatic easy pay bill came in and took $748 out of my account in one scoop.

I am about to go crazy today, I don't know what I am going to do for the next two weeks with no money in my account and all my others automatic payments that are going to come in and hit the empty account which will result in severals bank fees of $40 each...

I called the bank and they say they can't stop the transaction, it will go throught tonite.

I am thinking of calling T-mobile, but I doubt that they will give the money back and setup a pay plan.

I doubt that I can sell all my toys quickly enought to get money into my account...

I don't know what I am going to do...

Sorry, I just needed to spit it out, I am at work and it has been a total wast of a day, can't concentrate...
OMG!!! Call T mobile!!!!! They gotta help you out man!!! Its only right....but then again....nothing seems right anymore in this world. Good Luck man!!
You can call them but I hate to say it but I don't see T-mobile giving you back any money that they already collected. If you didn't have auto pay they would probably work out a payment plan but they have their money now. And I would bet that even if they forgive some of the bill, they will just issue a credit to your account and not send money back to you or your bank. You should ask your bank if they will at least forgive the overdraft charges or work something out with them.

You have got to explain to your mom that the cell phone is only to call you or take calls from you. Don't even try to explain roaming, off network, on network. Just tell her every minute is charged. That's what we did with my mother.
Waterwings said:
Sorry to hear that SVNET. I hope T-Mobile works with you on it.
Same here man. If they won't cooperate with ya just threaten them a little and they will probably here you out!! JUST KIDDING! :roll: Threats usually don't work unless they REALLY want your business :x

I dreaded the call and I made the call not with a lot hopes, but God was with me...

I just had to play the game...

1. First I talk to Megan, very polite young lady, first one inline, I knew she was not going to be much help...

Sorry Mr. G, I sympathize with you and I feel bad for your situation, but you used those minutes and they have to be paid for...

Okay Megan, I am aware we quickly approached your room to play here, so let me talk to your supervisor...

2. Second in line, supervisor Greg, at first sounded very willing to help, then arguing with me that it was my fault for not checking the phone status every time I made a call.

Sorry Mr. G, our policies are that we don't refund money back because it will make your account delinquent, that is our policy and no matter who you talk to here, that is what you are going to hear so you might just quite now and stop wasting your time.

My response was, well, if that is the case, then I do want to hear it from the CEO's mouth, please let me talk to who ever is above at this time since you can't help me...

3. and lastly, I spoke with Marc, the department manager on duty, who tried to start the call on the same note as the last one, asking questions that would lead to blaming me for not making sure the phone was connecting to the router, but quickly I stop him on his tracks and quickly he change his attitude to become very apologetic and who quickly discovered an error on the bill.

He was very excited to find a way out of the situation in which he could justify the credit override to my account. He noticed on the bill that the phone was actually connecting to the router, most of the time, but they were actually charging me $.40/minute for HotSpot calls that should had been free.

He credited me $612 worth of incorrectly over chargers and tomorrow they are to cut a check for credit on my account and I should receive a check in the mail in the next 10 Days. According to him I did have 90min that I went over, I doubt it that is true and I wish that as apologetic as he was trying to be that he would waive those minutes, but I have learned to pick my battles and I was not going to argue over $40 being as closed as I was to get $90 of my salary back so I let that one go...

Lessons learned...

1. Be very clear with instructions to old people, phones are for emergency only. Mom has been warned.
2. Check your bills very closely and learn how to read it.
3. Never do automatic payment, pay manually with a check in the mail when you agree to what is being charged.
4. Last but most important, NEVER TAKE A NO FOR AN ANSWER. Greg and Megan might just did not know what they were
doing, but their lack of training or experience was going to cost me $612, they should had been able to detect that in house error at first glance and become the heroes of the night, not the gate keepers...

I still don't have the money on hand, but so far a happy ending at least for the moment...!
Glad it worked out for you.I have T-Mobile and they have always been helpful but you have to get to the right person.
Thank you guys, this forum is like family to me now, the happy and the sad moments, this is the place to share them...

I can't believe I have 191 post already, I think that is Jim tweaking the data... #-o
glad to hear when i ran my bussiness i wen rounds with all of them just stay at it and most of the time they while agree on something
Glad to hear things worked out for you my friend, just goes to show you never know =D>