Long shaft bow-mount trolling motor on small jon boat


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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2015
Reaction score
Mauston, WI
My searches have brought up questions and answers regarding what shaft length or overall size of trolling motor to get for specific boat size applications. The consensus seems to be that longer is better so that you can keep the propeller submerged in rough water conditions. For fishing, having my motor stick straight up as high as my waist, would get in my way. This is also assuming I would ever need TWO OR MORE ADDITIONAL feet of shaft in the water?
So I can jump on a good deal for a 54" shaft motor, or pay more money for one with a 45" or 36" shaft (probably more appropriate for my 1442 jon) that also has less power. But by my measurements, a 54" shaft first off would extend past my deck and into my boat at least 8 inches when stowed, and secondly, would be at waist height or higher with the motor submerged one foot. This just seems unnecessary. I don't see why removing the top and cutting a foot or so off of the top of the shaft (and the probable necessity of shortening the wires) would be a problem, or that there's any reason why I would be creating a disadvantage for myself by doing so. Input on this?
I intend to do this very thing and shorten any TM I can find to use on my kayak. Buying used is generally without warranty so there's no issue there. I wonder whether the shorter shaft tends to make it stiffer and more prone to damage if you hit something.
The Minn Kotas are advertised to have indestructible shafts no matter the length so maybe it makes no difference. Hope someone here chimes in if that's not so...
MinnKota shafts are easy to trim to a desired length. I'm waiting until I finish my 1648 to know how long it will need to be on the larger boat then I will be trimming it as much as I reasonably can.
I shortened one from the top once. No big deal, unless they have changed the design. A fore-to-aft screw hole had to be re-drilled.

Yes, you do have to deal with the longer wires.

i have a 55# minnkota on my 1648,45 IN shaft. i hate it. it is just too long. need to shorten it about 9 in. that would make it 36 in.i believe any of the 12 volt foot control are just ok. the better motors are 24-36 volt. but totally uneccessary on a jon.i will go with a 36 in shaft when this one dies.longer shafts are great if u fish rough waters, but this old fella aint going out if its that bad out. 45# ran my old 14444 jon just fine.new boats 17 ft and less come with 45# motors. hard to believe a 500$ motor is just adequate.
The Minn Kota Maxxum 70 is what I think I'm settled on upgrading to. The 70 is a 24v. The boat is a 1442. I know the 70 probably isn't necessary but it is the model that has all the basic features I'm looking for: variable speed, power optimizer, short-ish shaft at 42". I could get these features out of the 55 12v....
I guess I'm really wondering now - what makes a 24v a better motor?

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