We used fiberglass resin to coat our wood decking, not much to say about it other than it's going to seal out moisture. A couple days curing time in the shed worked out well.
It's a wonderful thing to have a son that likes fishing, loves boating and is very handy at getting things done. If not for him, I'd still be working on the deck framing, cussing at having to get out of the boat to cut something, then back up the ladder into the boat to test fit it only to find out I've cut it more than twice and it's still too short ~ :roll: I'm also glad that I listened to his advice and trimmed the hatches back about a quarter of an inch on two edges of each hatch so the carpet fits tightly between the hatch and the deck after it's glued on and stapled. Did I mention that he owns and drives our boat hauler? yeah he likes trucks too. Thank you, Son, for making this old mans' dream a reality.
We covered all of the wood in carpet in about four hours.. that carpet glue sticks to everything and thanks to the rain today we had to do the carpeting inside the house on the living room floor. One of my dogs found out that.. yes, it sticks to paws too.. Now I have boat parts from one end of the house to the other, laying upside down with all sorts of heavy things on top of them. Luckily for me, no carpet glue got on the living room floor.. just on my hands and clothes, and somehow on one of my elbows. I was relieved to put the lid on that bucket of glue for the last time.
The pictures that follow show the resin we used, some parts that have resin applied, and my son doing a test fit for the pieces on the roll of carpet to make sure everything fits - about halfway through the application of resin. I'll post back tomorrow with pics of carpeted pieces, soon as I can flip them over =]