LoweHusky 18' flatbottom


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Excited..Thats what felt pretty much all day. I knew my brother and I where going to finish the storage boxes, wire up the hummingbid, hook up the battery and get her wet. Today everything went my way, It was suppose to storm around noon and turned out to be 80 and sunny. Not one snag in finishing up the boat. At 2:30 we pulled it a 1/4 mile up the road and dumped it in the river. The 82 Johnson fired right up and we were going, I was one happy man tooling the 500 or so yards of no wake. I slowly worked it up the full speed and it road smooth and stable in the somewhat choppy river. We did some stop and go's and it gets up and go's, planes out very fast. After just a real quick spin we got to the dock and relized we did'nt even check the speed. We went and grabbed the wife and boys and headed back out. She does 28 mph with 3 adults and two kids. I was caught up in the day I only snapped a few pics. I also have a couple short vids but I'm sure how to post them. In the pic my brother is driving and my oldest son is loving life....what a day :D I still have a ton of thing's I'm going to do to do to this boat!!! But not its usable now and I couldnt be happier! This post is FAR FROM OVER.


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Great everything worked out.
Thats a nice speed with all the mods/people/weight added.
Looks great. What color/brand of paint did you use? I am almost at that stage with my mod and really like the combo. Would work great for ducks in my area.
Recon said:
Looks great. What color/brand of paint did you use? I am almost at that stage with my mod and really like the combo. Would work great for ducks in my area.
I can't remember the name of the Khaki tan I used but it was a exterior oil base. I bought it at sevens paint store and it wasn't cheap, $65. For the camo I used rustoleum camo in the aerosol cans. First I used forest green and then earth brown. Hope this helps.
It's been awhile since I posted do to the fact that I been out enjoying the boat and not working so hard on it. Yesterday I ran submersable lights on the trailer and painted the motor. Well today was windy and I decided to spend the day working on some little stuff I have been wanting to do. I built the rear rack which will hold the generator and some additional lights in the future.Then I built me a couple pole holders out of pvc. Six hours later and I was finishing up the wind was dying and the sun was peeking out on the horizon...perfect. I ran home and ate some dinner grabbed my son and meet my brother at the launch. We had a great time, the fish were few and far between. We only saw 2 good size commens and never got shots off. We manage to get 3 and we worked for them, all the fish we saw were small, spooky and somewhat deep. The rearrack turned out to be My son had a great time and I have a feeling I never be alone in that boat! Here's a bunch of pics from today.


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Well I uncovered her and the first I did was raise the deck 3 inches and mounted the lights uder it. I took her out twice this weekend and it started right up and ran like a champ. 12 days till opener of Bowfishing...I can't wait!


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You did a real fine job on that boat, I can't get over how roomy it is. Like a backyard deck going down the river! Is that platform on the back for standing on? or maybe just mounting lights on?

In any case, please bring all your bowfishing buddies and come down to the IL river near Peoria to shoot bigeye asian carp, they are all over and we want them all DEAD. Here is a video to get ya going.


earl60446 said:
You did a real fine job on that boat, I can't get over how roomy it is. Like a backyard deck going down the river! Is that platform on the back for standing on? or maybe just mounting lights on?

In any case, please bring all your bowfishing buddies and come down to the IL river near Peoria to shoot bigeye asian carp, they are all over and we want them all DEAD. Here is a video to get ya going.


Hey Tim, the rear platform is for mounting lights on when I have 4 shooters. I also strap fishing's poles acrossed it when I have my kids with me so they are out of the way. On the Illinois river thing we are already planning a trip down there. Looks like a great time.
Very nice boat layout and great construction job. Love how simple, to do, You made the camo job and how neat it looks. I may have to borrow that idea in the near future with a little twist ( using an S curved alum. tube). You've made yourself a boat to be very proud of and given others of us ideas to try, Thanks!

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