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I'm still trying to find the correct schematic for it. Like an idiot I took it apart to look at it and when I wasn't paying attention the drag washers (guess thats what they are) fell out. The schematics don't tell me part name so I'm not sure where the copper one goes plus the number of washers isn't the same. I have three and a copper one. Do they go over or under the thick plastic disc?
I sent in a request on the abu site and they responded with a 4600AL schematic after I emailed them pics of the reel like asked.

Thanks though
any news with the schematics?

i could take mine apart and photograph how you are supposed to stack the discs. but i will only exert the effort if there's no other way. i'm lazy. haha

can you take a photo of the parts in question? you say they fell apart, but in my experience, the drag stack on this model (and most abu reels) do not come off easily. the grease makes them all stick together. there's also supposed to be no plastic in the drag components, so you must be referring to a different part of the reel. i'm not saying your wrong man, but i'm trying to visualize the way you describe it and i'm stumped. pardom my thick skull.... :oops:
J.P. said:
any news with the schematics?

i could take mine apart and photograph how you are supposed to stack the discs. but i will only exert the effort if there's no other way. i'm lazy. haha

can you take a photo of the parts in question? you say they fell apart, but in my experience, the drag stack on this model (and most abu reels) do not come off easily. the grease makes them all stick together. there's also supposed to be no plastic in the drag components, so you must be referring to a different part of the reel. i'm not saying your wrong man, but i'm trying to visualize the way you describe it and i'm stumped. pardom my thick skull.... :oops:

You wouldn't have to get too excited about it because I've kind of set it on the backburner because I've had out of state company off and on for a couple of weeks and been busy with other things.
A picture would be nice though because they sent me a schematic for 4600al which shows an exploded view with part numbers but no description of the different washers ie. copper versus thicker plastic washer etc. they all look alike on the schematic.

edit: I say plastic, it might be something other than that but it's not steel or copper. I'm finding them underneath the handle crank when you take it apart.

i see.... the "plastic disc" would probably be a felt or leather drag washer. i have a soft spot for these classic ambassadeurs, almost humor me if i'm too keen about it. :oops: