Mercury Rejuvenate Engine Oil

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
Eureka, MO
I am doing annual maintenance on 1976 Mercury 110 9.8 HP. It ran successfully last year when I received my first tin. However I did nothing to it for winterization. I am going thru the checklist from Mercury, and I read that owners should use Rejuvenate (of course their product) on older motors to remove carbon build-up for easier starts, improve compression and restore horsepower. Has anyone used this product?
I run ring free (yamaha) through my motor several times a year sea foam does the same thing
Seafoam will work as said above they also have seaform in a spray can I always use it fill the cylinder up and let is seat a few days I also double oil the first tank after my two strokes sit for a bit...
Thanks guys! I think I'll p/u a bottle of Seafoam and after I turn over the first few times ill run a tank threw. Unless she's running like a champ I may just hold off as Ahab has suggested.
Alright, I built an engine stand out of some scrap lumber and cranked on the motor. Couple pulls and it fired right up (Good sign)! However, when I started giving the motor a little juice and the longer it ran, the more oily smoke was discharged. I'm thinking I should mixed an entire batch of 2-cycle instead of partial (math skills a little rusty) based on Mercury guide. If its still smoking, Ill take the majority advice and run some additive, Sea Foam.

Any suggestions or advice? I don't want to break/burn up a motor in the drive way when I'm so close to getting it in the water. :) AND I definitely don't want to be a mile from shore and have it break down either.


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Smoke in a 2 stroke is good! That why some call them "2 smokes". The older engines tend to smoke a lot more, especially if you put more than the recommended amount of oil in the fuel. Too much oil is way better than too little. I don't see anything out of the ordinary with your engine.

Their are very few products i run in any of my motors and sea foam is one of them (Lucas products i like them too)
anything else i stay away from

i have a kz1000 motorcycle sat for who knows how long had bad compression in 2 cylinders and i popped off the spark plugs and put a shot in each cylinder and it brought up compression to with in 10% of the good cylinders ever since then i run it every so often