Moving Center Console forward 1ft?

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TinBoats Supporter
Apr 10, 2016
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Broussard, LA
I have an 1860 and my center console is bolted to two 1.5” angle on each side. Just remove bolts and I can slide the console forward. Besides the steering cable, of which I just happen to need a new one anyway, is there any other potential issues moving the console 1 ft forward? All the other wiring has enough slack to go another ft. Right now my fuel cell and both batteries are in the rear. However, soon I will be moving batteries to the console and getting a large fuel cell for the rear. So I’m thinking moving the console forward will actually help balance. I’m I tracking???
Are they bolts or rivets? Mine had rivets so I had to drill them out. I moved my console forward about 2' and it helped balance out the boat a lot better. I also moved the battery to the console and I needed longer cables for everything so you should be good with only a foot. You might want to put in some extra angle and rivet it to the floor if you can't get someone to weld it. I had to locate the cross beams to rivet mine to the floor.
Once the console is moved, then experiment with where you want the other items before attaching permanently. Sometimes where we think things should be, is not the best place for them. Put the boat in the water to test where weight needs to be placed. Better than haveing to move everything after fastened down...
I would need to extend live well plumbing that is part of the console. I removed the starboard side bolts tonight. It definitely comes loose and can be moved forward. However I discovered the hose/pipe for live well doesn’t have any slack. I need some couplings and hose clamps, plus a few feet of hose/pipe.
I’m planning on rewiring the entire boat after hunting season. So I think I will move it forward at that time.
Are they bolts or rivets? Mine had rivets so I had to drill them out. I moved my console forward about 2' and it helped balance out the boat a lot better. I also moved the battery to the console and I needed longer cables for everything so you should be good with only a foot. You might want to put in some extra angle and rivet it to the floor if you can't get someone to weld it. I had to locate the cross beams to rivet mine to the floor.
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Mine won’t be that forward. It’s towards the rear already, I think a foot will be perfect for my situation.

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