My Basket Case ( 12' V Hull Restoration/ Conversion)

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Ouch. Sanford and Oviedo are a good distance from the clermont area. That really sucks. Hopefully you can get it moved a little closer to where you are staying.
Got the boat in the garage: Pulled the rope and the motor started on the stand so I guess life is good! :D Working 6 of next 8 nights and Sunday is Easter and I'm having dinner with girlfriends family. Should be back at it again next Saturday if the girlfriend will let me, if not then Monday [-o< . Pictures to follow (need to get more batteries.) BoatDawg you need to stop by dude.
well here are some quick pics of it in it's new garage. That etching primer said gray, but it sure looks green to me. Piece of aluminum on top is center support for floor bracing. You can see the elevated light post my cousin pick up out at the dump; its off a weight lifting machine.

Top of Transom needs some stiffening up.

Winch my cousin found at the dump and welded up a post for me.

Another view

Side view of boat and trailor at this point. He extended the trailor a little over 3 feet.

Had a couple cans of Rust-Oleum Truck bedliner spray; guess I'll need a few more.

Well that's it for now; I would guess I'm about half way through this mod.
ok, so I'm finally starting the floor framing ( I have been wondering how I was going to do it since I started. Here's what Ive done:

1) leveled the keel
2) riveted on center/keel floor bracing support
3) attached 1st and last stringer

The rear stringer is 43", the front stringer is 26": there is 6" between them. Does 26 " sound right? I'm going to step up the deck enough for battery storage from the front stringer to about 2' from the bow then step it up again for anchor locker and TM platform, bow light and cleats. Anyway just wanted some one to verify I an at least starting the floor framing right.

Stringer may not be the correct word,but its mthe only one that comes to mind besides floor joist.





Stringer is what I call it too!
First of all, did you level the top edge of the gunnel? It looks like your front stringer is lower than the line that runs down both sides of your boat parallel to the gunnel? I would level the sides (gunnels) first, then level the stringers ftom that. Someone else correct me if I am wrong but dont you guys think the top of the boat should be level, not the keel? It looks like the front should be as high as the aluminum brace in the last pic...
That's why only went as far as I did; I wasn't sure if I should go from the top or the keel, but I figured on large ships the keel is laid 1st then everything else is built from there. But I remember when I first got it I was figuring to go from the top and there would be an elevation of the stringers as I went forward. I guess I'll go from top down monday and see if it doesn't look better! #-o
simbelle said:
That's why only went as far as I did; I wasn't sure if I should go from the top or the keel, but I figured on large ships the keel is laid 1st then everything else is built from there. But I remember when I first got it I was figuring to go from the top and there would be an elevation of the stringers as I went forward. I guess I'll go from top down monday and see if it doesn't look better! #-o
Imagine how it would float and correlate the floor with that. Good luck!
AS far as I got before having to go back to work. You would think as slow as I am that everything would look just perfect, insted of just good enough! :)

Boat looks to be coming along good. Wont be long and we will be passing by each other on the local lakes. :) Hope you get it going soon. Bite is on pretty decent here locally. Spent all moring on little lake harris in Howey and did pretty well. Got back to the ramp about noon and the other guys pulling boats out said they had a very slow day. I must have just been lucky haha.
Thanks dawg. Ya, I hope to be making a bigger dent in it in on my next 6 day stretch of time off. Cut the plywood for outer motor mount and cut the transom down and stuck on a 3/4 x 1/2 aluminium channel across the top edge. Transom is a lot more solid now. Still need to add Transom on bottom brace and 1 X 8 across the top inside transom. I have paint, 2 folding seats and 1 pedestal coming.
Well, work on the boat has slowed way down. I have 8'of 1/2" plywood of floor cut and laid on the stringers, had to add another stringer up front, because I originally was going to start a raised deck at 7'. Have to figure out just exactly what and how I'm going to do with the front of the boat as far as framing, decking and such :? . Had a plan to start, but the battery height has thrown me a curve ball and getting some distance between the two pedestal seat and placing the bait well have added to my dilemma. Looks like I'm going to be dropping the battery down onto a 3/4" plywood flooring then will the sides will be about 6" to a raised section were my front seat will set; This section will stop and raise up to the top of the gunnels for the last 2 feet. At least that's what I'm thinking. All this is just me thinking out loud, because I doubt few people if any are actually following this post.

I am also, confused at just how to fasten the plywood deck to the aluminum stringers and not have screws or rivets showing everywhere. I read some posts on another site, actually a couple sites about using rivets and I can see were 3/16 x 3/4 rivets would work well. However, I still am wondering about the final aesthetics of the thing.
Thanks Gator! Your right about that, moneys running low...well it's always low. Car maintenance is due. Girl friend has honey do list and really I'm just tired I think. Already have more money in the boat than it worth, but I knew that a long time ago. Have paint, pedestals and seats just setting here in boxes. Need to do some fairing in where I patched holes around the top of the boat. I know it's just an old tin boat, but since I have so much in it already and I know it would bother me to look at it all the time, I'm going to try to smooth them out the best I can. This is no time to get in a hurry. Oh, I've Think I'm going to buy a new Tahatsu 9.8 electric start too. Know anyone who wants a 15hp Sea King?
No sir I do not, but you shouldn't have too much trouble getting rid of it. Sad truth about boats is you'll always have more money in them, then you can get outa them. They are a place to burn up some cash brother! But all things that are cool do that.

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