My dad got attacked by a dog today.

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Sorry to hear about your Dad, I cant imagine having a Pit-Bull coming at your throat, not to mention clamping on, hes very lucky he got him off and the bull ceased its attack. Prayers are sent my friend.

They are dangerous animals, I've read in Philly papers where they have attacked little children, and even killed a women. My cousin had one, it leached onto his shirt and he had to get a broom handle and dislocate its jaw to get him off. He finally got rid of it after it jumped the fence and tore the neighbors poodle apart.

Like someone had mentioned, what was the owner thinking? In my opinion he should be held responsible and made to pay for any costs that has occured due to this attack, one thing at a time, lets get popz healed and home first.
I wanna ad this.I had a roitwiller(spelling?).She was a good dog.Didn't bark at anyone unless we were all inside.Then it wasn't a territorial bark,just an alert,I'm here type bark.Once one of us come to the door or outside, she would either go away and watch from a distance,or go head down with her tail up and wagging to be petted.She only went for someone once.I was able to call her back, but it scared the guy really bad.She wasn't bitting just a really angry growl and barking.We knew she was in heat but she was usually just more alert.Come to find out,the guy that came to the house, also had a female dog that was in heat.This triggered an instinctual reaction to chase another female away,so she could mate.If we had not known this or found out about it,our dog would have been put down.She didn't hurt anyone and I am happy about that.What I'm getting at is, sometimes it may be an instinctual reaction,that we don't understand or maybe unaware of.Some dogs,pitts being the main one that I know of,become unpredicatable with age.I honestly hope they put down the dog that attack your dad,and he files a law suit against the owners for damages.From the way you describe your dad,he doesn't sound like a man that'd be sue happy when something like this happens.Again I wish him well and a speedy recovery.
Sorry to hear about your dad, sounds like my dad. He lost a finger in an auger once, unloading a grain truck, he finished unloading the truck and then went to the hospital. Wishing him a speedy recovery.

I agree with Flounderhead, who brings their dog to the mechanic? I have a dog, and it stays at home when we go somewhere. (unless its for the weekend or something like that) Leave the dog at home and take care of business.
Sorry to hear what happened bassboy... your dad, you and your family are in my thoughts and i wish for a speedy recovery.
Sounds like a mechanic :mrgreen:
Yep, he did that for a number of years before he became manager. He always says that when you are too old to work on the cars, they throw you behind the desk, where he is now.

I agree with Flounderhead, who brings their dog to the mechanic?
Keep in mind, this shop is in Northern Atlanta, right next to Vinings, and while it works on almost all foreign cars, it specializes in, and started off, working on beamers. These people have to load the dog up in the car to take it over to the park at the Chattahoochie just to walk it. And I know this seems stereotypical, but all the times I have been in the area, it seems the younger women have goldens, and the men have big mean dogs, with the older people having the ugly as mess dogs that probably cost as much as my boat. Must be a big city status thing. :-k Some of the other people will occasionally bring in a smaller dog that they hold while in the waiting room, and not much is said, since the owner brings his little black lab in every day, so it has become the shop dog. If the owner isn't going to be in, dad will sometimes bring our black lab, as a replacement shop dog. :lol:

Mom is having to compromise with him on a day by day basis to keep him there. Today, she finally got him to agree to stay until tomorrow, and tomorrow she will have to do the same, until Sunday. Since her friend drove her down there yesterday, she took his car, his keys, wallet and street clothes, so he cannot leave.
I agree with Flounderhead, who brings their dog to the mechanic?

it took awile for me to figure it out too.

the answer is...........................people who dont have kids and its the truth :mrgreen:
Wow.. :shock:

I wish him a speedy recovery.

Some breeds are just very territorial and protective of "their" property. It's just part of it. The owner should have never had that dog in a position that it could have gotten to anyone, regardless of how friendly they "thought" it was. I owned a Rott before the Chessie that I just had to put down. I never let either of those dogs be in a position in public where anything like that could happen, regardless of their normal demeanor.
Bassboy, I hope your dad gets better soon. Maybe his stubborness will make the healing go faster. The owner of that pit bull is going to say that "the dog has never attacked anyone before and that it has a very gentle disposition". Those dogs can go years as a sweet loving animal then turn to a vicious killer in an instant. Once they taste blood that should be the end of them. That is how we treat bears and gators. The owners should be held responsible for all damages incurred.
man is that scary, my best to your dad. He sounds pretty tough, I'd be traumatized for life!
:shock: Thats awful, glad to hear hes doin alright considering. Having had a pitt my self it always saddens me to hear things like this, given the right upbringing they can be wonderful companions.
My mom went by the pound to see if the report was ready, and they allowed her to see the dog. When the woman tapped the cage with her foot, the dog lunged at her, running into the bars. The man who picked him up said that he was a lot of trouble, and really fought him. And, everybody was mistaken on the breed. It is actually a black cur, whatever the heck that is. Similar to the pit bull, but taller, which explains how it got up to dad's neck, seeing as he is 6'3". Dad is actually recovering faster than expected, and is coming home tomorrow. Whereas they thought he wasn't going to be able to drink anything until Sunday, he passed the grape juice test today, so he can have clear liquids (juices, jello, chicken broth). He also seems to be gaining use of the part of his lip that they thought would take 6 months to heal.
That is awful, I am sorry to hear of this bassboy, especially being so close to the holidays. I hope your dad has a quick recovery, sounds like he will.
FishinsMyLife said:
Jim said:
In my eyes a good pitbull is a dead pitbull.
I'm with you on that. I hate the things.

Pitt Bull is no different then any other dog - but pitt bull owners are! There are a soem who seem to think that since a pitt bull was orginally breed to fight it should be abused, made mean and generally mistreated.

It is not the pitt bulls fault - it is the psychopaths that often own this breed. That same owner woudl make any breed of daog unstable to say the least.

i have a very large German Shepherd that goes with me everywhere. I NEVER let her around strangers not out of any fear that my dog would attack (she will not) but because I do not trust the people not to do something cruel. Some people seem to get a kick out of trying to get a rise out of a dog - they might poke, pull or otherwise antagonize my dog. While that still would not get my dog to act out - I know if I saw anyone do that I would end up in jail because I would certainly attack!

Glad to hear your father is doing better; I will keep him in my prayers.

If he has need to recover damages from the dog's owner please send me a PM and I will point him in the right direction

It is actually a black cur

a cur dog is a mut bread usually for hunting bear or hog. we have a brown cur down thats pit and lab, but he was a stray, dumber than hell, and the nicest dog you could be around. the only time ive seen him get mad is when we try'd givin him a bath. no more doin that. he's just a big lover, but when he smells a bear or animal in the woods, all hairs are up and he turns into an ass kickin machine. i just wish i could train him to hunt

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