This week is National Safe Boating Week, May 16-22, 2020. Please think safety at all times! Bad things can happen in an instant.
That being said, to promote the idea of Boat Safety, I am going to be giving away a Rescue Step Ladder for your boat. In my opinion, a Rescue Step is a must-have, especially for folks with small tins. The color of the Rescue Step will be silver.
Just Reply with IN to this thread and I will pull a number through Like I usually do. The giveaway will end at the end of Safe Boating Week.
This is open to all members, and I would love to see this on your boat after you install it. Good Luck to all who enter!:beer:
Please take a moment and check out our Board Sponsor The Rescue step, and really consider putting one on your boat, the life you save may be your own.
That being said, to promote the idea of Boat Safety, I am going to be giving away a Rescue Step Ladder for your boat. In my opinion, a Rescue Step is a must-have, especially for folks with small tins. The color of the Rescue Step will be silver.
Just Reply with IN to this thread and I will pull a number through Like I usually do. The giveaway will end at the end of Safe Boating Week.
This is open to all members, and I would love to see this on your boat after you install it. Good Luck to all who enter!:beer:

Please take a moment and check out our Board Sponsor The Rescue step, and really consider putting one on your boat, the life you save may be your own.