Nav Lights ?

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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2010
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South Louisiana
I'm trying to figure a simple way to rig up nav lights in my boat with out switches and fuses and such, yet I want the permanent lights that slide into the sockets. So what I was thinking was to run the wiring to 12v plugs like a cell charger, mind you get some that are much higher quality, and just plug those into my trolling motor battery that has the minn Kota power center on it, my thought were there power center has two 12v plugs with a built in 15a breaker and the plugs themselves have fuses in them so I should be ok. Any thoughts of this set up?
sounds like it should work to me.. i went a little cheaper route for my spotlight,interior lights,and livewell by using a 2 way flat trailer connector plug. just a thought its alot cheaper than the 12v marine plugs, if you wanted to you could add a inline fuse as well
I have my bow and anchor lights wired directly to my battery. When I put the post in they light up. Probably not the best way, but it is simple and it works. I haven't even used them yet as I haven't been out at night, no real hurry to do that either.
Thought about the hassle of wiring in sockets, etc for lights and what it came down to was how often was I really going to use them.

In the end, battery powered LED units won out with me - great battery life, bright, no wires to run and I can change out a couple batteries at the end of the season. I just per-mounted them on the front and have the back on a pole that clips in with those snap in "broom" hangers like you'd put in a closet. Just turn it on, and snap it in, and carry on.
It is such a simple work that won't take up too much of your time and energy.

First make your wires into a parallel circuit.

Then different circuit get different rechargers.

Last each circuit has a switch.

Once there is one circuit out of power,one will take place.Like this around around......