Need Help with a 1987 25 HP Mercury OB motor

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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2008
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USSR-providence of Flint, Mi
I have a 1987 25 hp SHORT shaft Mercury with a serial # 911822 (my first ever Merc). This is NOT a tiller style motor. It has all the controls.The shaft length is roughly 15"-17" but my transom is 20" (it's on a 11' "Carolina Skeef" style fiberglass tri-hull boat). Anyway, my question is.. Do they make a after-market kit to convert this motor to a long shaft? If so, where do you suggest I look BESIDES Ebay? I've tried to contact a few marina's but they acted like they didn't want to be bothered.
Thanks in advance
Mercury does not have a kit to convert to a long shaft that I know of.You would have to change the mid section,drive shaft,shifter shaft,& water tube.If you want to keep the motor post a pic of your boat & maybe you could cut down your transom.
Ictalurus said:
A Jackplate may be the most cost/time effective solution.

I've looked into those & holy crap are they expensive! :shock: I built a permanent plate (out of 1/8" plate steel & angle Iron) & placed it 3.5" below the top of the transom & roughly 6" behind it. BUT, the motor then sat too far down in the water, so much so that when I took the boat out, the water outtake holes (located below the cowl & straight out the back of the OB) disappeared under the water. ](*,) I guess I could try & raise the plate but I figured after I raised it 1.5" what would be the point of the plate? I might as well just attach the OB motor directly to the transom. I am in the process of trying that out. My only other solution is, I've read about these cone-shaped cups they make that go directly over the water intakes on an angle so at planing speeds the motor receives enough water. I don't know what they're called exactly. Ever heard of them?
crazymanme2 said:
Mercury does not have a kit to convert to a long shaft that I know of.You would have to change the mid section,drive shaft,shifter shaft,& water tube.If you want to keep the motor post a pic of your boat & maybe you could cut down your transom.

Bummer! :( I was advised against cutting transoms on fiberglass boats for fear of weakening it. Plus, if you ever go to sell the boat that would be a major strike against it in regards to re-sale value. Btw, you ever heard of these "cones" that they weld/attach/mount by the water intakes on the OB that help a motor receive enough water at planning speeds? If so, where do you buy them? I saw them in a boating magazine but i can't remember if they're custom made for each motor or if you can buy them (I believe they have to be welded on). :-k
They're called scoops.They are usually used in high performance applications.
Post a pic of your boat with the motor & maybe we could give you some ideas.
Where are you? Im in alabama. I have a longshaft 86 Johnson 28 that I would like to convert to short shaft one of these days. Not to suggest that we both trade parts cause almost certainly you are in a differnt part of the country, but there are probably others out there looking for short shaft driveshafts, water tubes and shiftrods. More often I think people are like me with outboards that are too deep.

Edit; nevermind, it must be getting time for bed, you said you have a merc. But I left my original post intact because you are looking for the same type deal. Somewhere in your neck of the woods theres a guy with the opposite problem, you just got to find him.