hello all, my name is steve. i have already posted here on some different projects that i have completed, but i never saw this part where we could introduce ourselves. perhaps i got the cart before the horse, sorry bout that.
anyway, i live in laguna vista tx. and fish for redfish and speckled trout. i grew up, however, in northeast texas, longview, kilgore, tyler area. fished all my life there for bass. then, later in life began fly-fishing for trout, browns and bows, up in brokenbow oklahoma; i miss that a lot now that i am as far south as one can go in texas.
i am a christian: a youth minister, translator, musician, and whatever else my father-n-law/pastor of our church needs me to be. i thank God everyday for the mind He has given me to be creative when it comes to working in my garage and on my "tinny". many times i lie awake at night cause i cant get project i want to build out of my head!!! i am also a teacher for a local school district. i teach english 9-12 grade, also english as a second language.
thanks to all of you for such a great site; i have gleened many ideas from here so far, many of which, i incorperated on my last project. God bless you all!! Merry CHRISTmas!!!