New Tactic or Lure for 2008

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Captain Ahab

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
Reaction score
Bucks Co., PA
With a long wait for the warmer spring temps, I am bored!! I want to go bassin, but the weather says - tough luck for me :x

What new tactic or lure do you plan to master this season?

I have few:

1. I am gonna fish more jerk baits and pointers for Smallies - and I am gonna stick it out until I get them to hit.

2. Drop shot, drop shot oh why can I not stay with this drop shot. Each year I tie a few, work them for about 30 minutes, them switch to something that works. This year, at least one full day each week of drop shotting until I get it.

Jig and pig, Jig and pig, Jig and pig.

I am going to master this technique if it kills me. I am determined to get the "feel" of the bite that everyone talks about. :D

And some small swimbaits (mattlures, 3:16 frog). This just requires time and patience.
small swimbaits here as well. I also want to give spinerbaits a fair chance this spring. I have never had too much luck on them and as the old story goes I grab something else that I have confidence in. Pretty **** funny last year when I couldn't bring my self to throw the spinerbait and my 5yr. old (six now) son whooped me with a beetle spin. :lol:
Spinnerbaits and Topwaters. I have only caught 2 fish on a spinnerbait and non via topwater.

I spent all last summer working on cranksbaits and my baitcaster, the year before were jigs and shakey heads.

I never did drop shots only from the shore your line b/t the hook and sinker is long. Almost like throwing a carolina rig and I do not like throwing them.
I am pretty much with Jim on this one. I need to learn how to properly fish a Jig n Pig, and catch fish with it. I also want to use more swimbaits, small and big. Chances are I will probly give up on jig n pigs quickly since I am stuck on shore, so I will probly fish swimbaits more. Maybe I will have to steal some of Derek's super sexy and expensive swimbaits :twisted:
jkbirocz said:
I am pretty much with Jim on this one. I need to learn how to properly fish a Jig n Pig, and catch fish with it. I also want to use more swimbaits, small and big. Chances are I will probly give up on jig n pigs quickly since I am stuck on shore

I fish from shore all the time and jigs has been my best weapon. The key is tight line and a fast hook set. Sometimes you will feel the tap tap tap, set the hook on tap tap with a sweeping hook set. Plus do not go for a pig use a 3' grub or a wooley tail.

Bets luck I have had is rocks/gravel and I just drag it along the bottom and when i encounter a minor snag I give a quick jerk of my rod and most fish if near will eat it only by reation.
Are you talking about using your normal weedless rubber legged bass jig with a grub trailer or just a jighead with a grub on it? I have done well with most other jigs, just not a rubber legged weedless bass jig regardless of the trailer.
Both, the rubber skrited ones need to fished a little slower so the skirt can work for you. Bass cannot stand the flowing of the skirt in front of them.

My go to jigs (skirted) stone jig (not skirted) spot remover (shakey head) Tru Tungsten weed wacker or ball buster
I love spot removers, they are my favorite smallie jig. I can fish the same one all day long, without losing it. They are hard to beat with a jacks worm, yama fat baby craw, or berkley beast attached to it.
I got a lot of new things to try out, first off i gotta get those top water popers from pc in the water, Also im looking into some of the new hybrid soft/hard baits, i like strom so im thinkin of gettin one of theres to start with (plus there much cheaper). I picked up some tube-style swimbaits (no basstrix cuz there like 20$+ for 3) gotta give them a try. Got some stanley ribbit frogs ill throw them. As far as tactics I want to get better at topwater walk the dog baits, gotta get better with my jig and pig, i dont think ive ever caught anything wacky rigging, so i guess i should give that a try. Last and most important tactic catchin more fish!
BensalemAngler said:
jkbirocz said:
I fish from shore all the time and jigs has been my best weapon. The key is tight line and a fast hook set. Sometimes you will feel the tap tap tap, set the hook on tap tap with a sweeping hook set. Plus do not go for a pig use a 3' grub or a wooley tail.

Bets luck I have had is rocks/gravel and I just drag it along the bottom and when i encounter a minor snag I give a quick jerk of my rod and most fish if near will eat it only by reation.
I use a jig ad pig about 80% of the time and catch most of my bigger fish on them. I find that the bass will hold the jig for a long period of time, I have had them swim up to the boat without setting the hook.
I swim the jigs over grass using a paca craw trailer and flip to rocks and wood when the water temp is below 60 I will use zoom big salty chunks as a trailer. I also trim the skirt to the back of the hook
My plans on what to learn this season would be swim baits They seem to be the hot new trend in bass fishing. the prices are steep but if they work that is fine with me

Jake talk to Derek about the fish holding my jigs I showed him every bite before i set the hook :lol:

Yes I need to review hook setting, I also am looking in to the "Flying Perch". Its a system devised to clear other anglers from your spot.
Pitching those kreatures, throwing those swim baits and drop shotting.
I need to figure out how to stop catching so many big fish all the time.

My doctor says if I keep it up I'm going to need reconstructive surgery on my lippin thumb
:) :^o
Bryan_VA said:
I need to figure out how to stop catching so many big fish all the time.

My doctor says if I keep it up I'm going to need reconstructive surgery on my lippin thumb
:) :^o
I can help you with this problem I suffered from the same issue for years until I read....

