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Active member
May 19, 2012
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Dallas, TX
this site.....GENIUS!

Recently got this future bundle of joy from a buddy......Been waiting on all the state paperwork to go through before I decided to start modifying it to heck. My main concern has to be with the weight. Im a big guy and I dont wont to overload it and it sit at the bottom of the lake,creek, pond. My intentions are to use it for fishing with the step kids and of course bust them ducks out of the sky.

I would love any and all input. Thanks in advance
The goal is to:
clean, prime and pain trailer
clean, prime and camo boat
rewire connections
if weight isnt an issue deck bow and stern and leave middle open
possibly put aerator in live well

UGH...I want to do so much but not enough money, time, or weight
Heres some pics for you guys......

entirely too much going on in the bow....would like to deck it out....mount TM straight vs angled and just have a stowable bow light
:WELCOME: to Tinboats Scandalous

That must be an early G3 boat. Hadn't seen them labeled like that before though I hadn't paid much attention. Congrats on your purchase. Any plans for an outboard?
sixgun86 said:
:WELCOME: to Tinboats Scandalous

That must be an early G3 boat. Hadn't seen them labeled like that before though I hadn't paid much attention. Congrats on your purchase. Any plans for an outboard?

I think its a 95-96. I havent really found much on it online. Its a Dakota G3 and everytime you search it, all you get is Dodge products.

Definitely going to need an OB....havent decided exactly what I'll end up with.....max rated for 35 but thinking around 20ish. I want to save the extra weight from the bigger OB and apply it for the duck blind or decking, etc

any suggestions? I do have two TM's. One bow mounted and one thats on the transom. Definitely taking advice here because its my first boat, my first project, and potentially my first SUCCESS!
Go with the biggest motor that it will take. You won't regret it. On the transom, right hand side, there will be a 12 digit hull number. The last number will tell you what year it was built.
Bob Landry said:
Go with the biggest motor that it will take. You won't regret it. On the transom, right hand side, there will be a 12 digit hull
number. The last number will tell you what year it was built.

It's a '95 GenerationIII 16' Dakota V-bow L/W officially

Will a 35hp OB on such a light boat really be worth it? Stay away from a 25hp?
So I was going to start on boat, BUT.....
.....I never got my motor. I dont want to start adding weight and not know how my boat is going to sit with my fatty butt in it and a motor.

I do know I can work on the trailer in between.

Here are some pics
I need bunk boards, get rid of lots or rust, etc

I would like to continue sanding but all my joints are welded together. Any thoughts of breaking welds or leaving them be

Also I think my frame is bent.....I drove the trailer for over a 100miles but it didnt drive bad

this is the back post

opposite side

main beam gap, front

main beam gap, back

I took a majority of the front gear off and I got the front half sanded down and primered
wear I stopped my sanding

Ill take more pics as soon as I get more work done. Ive still got a month of physical therapy before Im released to work and then I should be able to buy my motor and get working on the boat.

Ill be happy to get any feedback on where I should go and maybe NOT GO, with this build!!!
As far as a motor goes with a 16' boat, I have a 1995 20 hp Johnson on my 16' jon boat and it pushes it with no problems. But when i start to get some weight in it, thats when i wish i went for a 25 hp motor... it still pushes it fine and when i say weight i mean me, 2 other guys, full cooler, and fishing gear, so thats quite a bit and it doesnt slow it down that much. You wouldnt regret going with the max hp for the boat but you'd also be perfectly fine with a 25... My 20 tops the boat out at 25 mph with me and friend and no gear or cooler (and were big guys).
I have a 1648 w/25hp Mariner and it's does fine but I wouldn't go with anything less. It'll do almost 30mph with two people, decking, and gear. There's time I wish it were bigger but it's easy on the gas. Runs a long time on 6 gal of gas.
Okay thanks Fellas,

Just new to tins and boats in general so asking lots and lots and lots of questions.

The thing that scared me the most was the weight max tag of 825 for gear, motor, and people. Im a big guy pushing 350. Didnt know if the added weight of bigger motor be outweighed (no pun intended) by a little extra push.

Is it normal for 16ft be only rated for 825? I dont mind fishing alone but when it comes to duck season, I'll have some extra weight with more gear and people

I cant complain I guess, got the trailer, tin, and accessories all for 4 hundred
Heres an UPDATE!!!

My weekend was sort of productive. I learned that I didnt like the position of the side markers, my bearings have caked dirty grease, and I cant follow directions for adding a rustoleum clear cloat.

I initially was going to leave the entire back end intact and sand it the best I could. Yea didnt happen! Started taking off bolts here and there just to sand a little better. By midday, could have been the heat, I was like time to take it all down and sand and paint it right

before trailer.jpg
after trailer.jpg

You can really tell that the markers are really hidden, but no clue where to move them too.


The bearings, guess I better learn how to clean this up too

Now to some painting! I did a base coat of rustoleum rusty metal primer, 2 coats of RustOleum Flat Black Enamel, and a top coat of RustOleum Crystal Clear Coat. The instructions said do several thin coats vs heavy coats. I tried it . I guess either I cant follow directions or maybe spotty job but my clear coat looks horrible. Ill hit it with another coat. Hopefully itll even out!!!


Ive got rain schedule here in Dallas for the next two days, so Ill see what else I get done before the weekend. I still need to get a spot welded and then finish painting. Ill post more pictures soon. I appreciate any and all comments, good or bad. Learning here so, take the gloves off if need be!
Looking good so far. For the paint it looks like you are holding the can too far away and it's drying as it's hitting the surface. If you follow the directions and hold it 12-18 inches and try a light coat you probably end up with a finish close to a fine grit sand paper. I like to hold the can closer and move across the surface a little faster so you still end up with a light coat but better coverage.

Either way keep up the good work
Gear Dog said:
Looking good so far. For the paint it looks like you are holding the can too far away and it's drying as it's hitting the surface. If you follow the directions and hold it 12-18 inches and try a light coat you probably end up with a finish close to a fine grit sand paper. I like to hold the can closer and move across the surface a little faster so you still end up with a light coat but better coverage.

Either way keep up the good work

Thanks GD,

I think the other issues is im outside and it was extra windy. I was holding the can at specified distance. Im just glad it was the bottom so I could practice, but thanks for the input! Definitely ready to finish the trailer and move on to the boat!!!!
project is still going and more pics to come soon. Just been delayed a bit because of money and we sank my buddies tin last weekend so rethinking some things!
Looking good on the trailer. I usually just go with the gloss rattle cans instead of trying to do the clear coat. I will be watching to see how it turns out.

OK I'll sank your buddies tin? Prey tell?