Newbie. Questions on what to get for my needs

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Feb 2, 2016
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Hi all,

First post here and I've been binge reading the message boards all weekend. Here's my situation and maybe you guys can help. I moved 3 years ago to within 7 minutes of the boat ramp to a wonderful 1800 acre reservoir. Been shoreline fishing last few seasons and finally in position for a boat. I also live about an hour from the Susquhanna river and upper Chesapeake bay so originally wanted a boat for both. I had heart set on a nice bass boat in spring 2017. I knew the reservoir was electric motor only but just This last weekend I learned of a rule that you can't even have an outboard on the boat at all. No gas motor at all. I was so bummed. Now I want a boat for the reservoir since that would be 95% of my fishing. My dad and I fished a basic 12' Jon boat when I was a kid so I figured that was my only option.....then I found this site and now I want a nice Jon boat to modify like a bass boat. I have a 4 year old son now that loves to fish and my father now lives 20 min away so I def want room for 3 guys, room for 4 is a plus.
I was looking at the grizzly 1648 mvx that included modify. I'm also ok with the 1448 but for $200 more figured bigger is better. My main concern is what kind of trolling motor do I need to power a boat this size? Speed isn't a huge factor but I don't want to labor my way along. Reservoir is king and narrow with lots of coves so no big open water to cross. Does the 1448 make more sense since I can only use electric? I'm also going be adding weight via decking etc.
Should I just settle for a lighter boat like a 15' topper?

Any and all info much appreciated. Really excited and now since I'm not saving $18k for a Bass boat, I can get something for this season and custom it out next winter. Thanks again for any input!

Hey Gp,

Boats shrink as soon as they hit the water :) Meaning, that if you're going to fish 3 guys out of it, swinging lures, etc. 16' is the smallest I would go.

I have a 12v 54lb Minn Kota on my 17' Tunnel Jon and it moves it just fine. But since you won't have a big motor or gas tanks, I would go with a 24v trolling motor so you can scoot around quicker, it will be there when you need it and its not that much more $$.

Another idea is that you if you go with the 1648, you could also get a used jet outboard and put it on when you do want to hit that river or what have you.

Cheers bud.
I've got a 16' Smoker Craft and three daughters.
DON'T GO ANY SMALLER :!: :!: :!:
As the girls are getting older the boat is getting smaller.
But it is a good size for three adults to fish out of.

Steve A W

Great info, thanks guys! Yeah I also have a 20 month old daughter who I'll also try and get into fishing so you guys helped my decision on size in case she catches the bug as well.

Question on the motor, I like the idea of bow mounted, pedal operated. Is there a pro/con argument for having the only propulsion source up front instead of the rear? For some reason in my head it seems like rear would be needed to get me where I want to go and then a front one to move around coves etc. I'd much rather just have one up front and be done though. Thoughts? I think the fact that it's made to handle an outboard has me nervous.
When I was young, my grandpa had a coast guard orange, plastic dinghy with oars. It was about 12 feet long, had a bench at the bow and one at the stern where we sat facing each other. We would follow the shore line staying about 50 feet away and take turns rowing while the other would cast. Actually I think he did a lot more rowing and I did a lot more casting. Good times.

I think you'll like how solid that Grizzly is built. I have the 1448 and this things a tank! You may want to consider a 24 v set up like captain said because that hull weighs almost 600 lbs by itself.
I'm about to buy the minn kota riptide sp because it's bow mounted, but it comes with a key chain fob wireless control so I can sit at the stern and steer if I so desire. It's a little pricey at $850, but then again, I'm looking at saltwater models...

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
On my crestliner 1448, i have a foot controled 45 lb on the bow and two 36 lb on the stern. The stern motors are controlled with a big foot switch up front. If I need to really move, i use both. The stern for propulsion and the bow for steering. Works great.

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I would also recommend the 16 footer. You could possibly find a good deal on an outboard that you could somewhat easily take on and off to use at other bodies of water. The larger boat would have a larger hp rating meaning it would allow you to consider a wider range of outboards. Most 14' boats have a 25hp limit while a 16' will likely be 40hp+. There are a lot of good deals to be had on 60's to 70's model Johnson/Evinrudes in the 30-40 hp range.
I'll add my vote for 16'. And I would reccomend a larger TM with this advice. Make sure you get to one with an electronic speed control rather than a 5 speed. Too often one speed is too slow and the next step up is too slow. And the electronic controls are much better at making a battery last longer.
You can NEVER have too much electric motor. Get the most powerful you can afford

and 16' is perfect. I use 2 sometimes 3 TM on mine and it is still not enough. I really need to step up to a 24 or 36 V system
Plan on getting an outboard, 'cuz sureasheck you're gonna get tired of just fishing the reservoir.

Best wishes, have fun, be safe.

Thanks for all the great info guys! I've decided on the 16' grizzly and expect final quote tomorrow. Basspro has the fishing sale coming up too and I see the motorguide X3 24v 65# motor is $449 after rebate.

I have plans to modify boat like some of the threads I've seen. My busy season of work is now thru May so I'll have little time to work on boat. I'm thinking keeping it as is for this season and giving myself a winter project for next year. I'm only average in the "handy" with tools dept so my fear is starting something on the boat and having it go unfinished all season so I'll just wait.

With that said, I'm looking at seat options. What size pedestal for front? I'm 5'10 155lb if that matters. I was a little surprised when I saw all the options. I also see on pics of some of the mod boats some real nifty hand cranks for an anchor. Suggestions anyone? Seems like researching everything for this boat has taken up all my free time these last few weeks!
Sweet. I wish I would have sprung for the 16 footer. Keep in mind when you buy it, you'll get a VIP rewards card. You'll get 20% off most stuff, (bass pro brand), for your boat for the next two years. It's come in handy for me because I bought a bare hull and needed everything...

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
buy the biggest you can afford. i bought a 1448, wished i would have gotten the 1648 and a much larger outboard.