Oil Spill


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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2008
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Guys, please say a extra prayer tonight for the entire Gulf Coast region and the 11 still missing from the oil rig explosion. The oil leaking in the Gulf is really bad. A huge portion of LA & MS's economy is based on the Gulf. As if this area hasn't struggled enough with Katrina, This is going to devastate the coast. The harbors, seafood industry, economy, and peoples lives were just now really getting back to almost a pre-katrina level. At least we do not have the death tolls of Katrina.

I just received word that the oil slick has moved into my beloved Breton Sound and Biloxi Marsh areas :cry: . They are predicting it to hit the beaches by tomorrow or Sunday. I have been sick to my stomach ever since we learned that the well was leaking 5000 barrels of oil a day and could take 90+ days to get it capped off. How in the@$#% in this day and age do we not have the technology to stop a pipe from flowing even if it is 5000' down!!!!! My heart sinks thinking about the tens of thousands of people that will loose their livelihoods and a whole ecosystem destroyed. I know several people who are 4th and 5th generation shrimpers/fishermen.

Thanks, I needed to vent. I do not make all of my living on the water, but was born and raised and spend about 40 weekends a year in the areas this is affecting.
Prayers sent.

It's sickening to see this happening and that there is no quick fix to the problem. Hard to imagine not having a fall back plan that could be better executed than what is now happening, but then again....I don't know the whole story.

Bad deal on many levels. Hope it gets cleaned up quicker than expected.
I'm not a tree huger by any stretch, but this is the only planet we have and I think we should take better care of it. I'm all for extracting the oil, but I can't believe there isn't a fail safe mechanism to shut down the pipe in the event of a disaster like this. Like Brine said, I don't know the whole story, but it makes me angry. I heard on the radio this morning that the spill could be worst than the Exxon Valdez disaster in AK.

So sorry to hear that you are going to be personally affected by this sad disaster. Hope it doesn't get too bad for you personally and you get though it quickly. Prayers sent for everyone affected.
being from the gulf i hate it too. i say fix the leak and burn the hole thing before it can spread any further
I have been praying for the entire gulf region since Wednesday, and now when I turn on the news I get physically ill for whats about to happen. I cant believe the government haven't gotten involved sooner to try to minimize the damage.
poolie said:
I heard on the radio this morning that the spill could be worst than the Exxon Valdez disaster in AK.
It is still a mess up there. This will be around for many years to come.
BassAddict said:
I have been praying for the entire gulf region since Wednesday, and now when I turn on the news I get physically ill for whats about to happen. I cant believe the government haven't gotten involved sooner to try to minimize the damage.

We shouldnt be drilling out there anyways. Thats where the gov't should of gotten involved earlier.
This is extremely sickening. I can't imagine what all of y'all in the gulf coast are going to be going through, especially after Katrina. That really has to hurt the economy down there, basically losing all tourism this summer. As if things weren't bad enough as it is.

What really hurts, however, is the fact that this was no accident.
Thanks everyone. So far the prayers are working. No heavy crude has hit the beaches or the Biloxi Marsh as of today. Only minimal amount have hit the Mouth of the MS River and 1 or 2 of the barrier islands. No matter what what the media hype says. There has been a slight oil sheen in places but not the really bad heavy crude. Now we need to pray that they can cap it possibly as early as Thursday [-o< . I do not know what planet the media is from or what planet they are getting their info from.
A little good news, I read that they have capped the smallest leaking line. There are still two more lines that are leaking that are bigger leaks than the one capped. I hope they get them capped as soon as possible.
bassboy1 said:
This is extremely sickening. I can't imagine what all of y'all in the gulf coast are going to be going through, especially after Katrina. That really has to hurt the economy down there, basically losing all tourism this summer. As if things weren't bad enough as it is.

What really hurts, however, is the fact that this was no accident.

What's your conspiracy theory?
Troutman3000 said:
bassboy1 said:
This is extremely sickening. I can't imagine what all of y'all in the gulf coast are going to be going through, especially after Katrina. That really has to hurt the economy down there, basically losing all tourism this summer. As if things weren't bad enough as it is.

What really hurts, however, is the fact that this was no accident.

What's your conspiracy theory?

I would like to hear it also. I've heard everything from N. Korea blew it up to Obama blew it up.
BP f'up and thats what happened. I dont believe it was environementalist or any government entity. I could believe that it was an act or terrosim though, but after reading some interviews it seems like a complete accident.
Specknreds said:
Troutman3000 said:
bassboy1 said:
This is extremely sickening. I can't imagine what all of y'all in the gulf coast are going to be going through, especially after Katrina. That really has to hurt the economy down there, basically losing all tourism this summer. As if things weren't bad enough as it is.

What really hurts, however, is the fact that this was no accident.

What's your conspiracy theory?

I would like to hear it also. I've heard everything from N. Korea blew it up to Obama blew it up.
PM sent, to respect Jim's wishes of not talking politics on the boards.
I couldn't stand it anymore. Took a 90 mile boat ride today in the new bay boat yesterday. Launched in Bay St. Louis, MS and went out too the islands, then threw Lake Borne to Lake Pontchartrain. I am happy to report NO signs of oil, yet. There were thousands of feet of oil boom stretched everywhere. I just had to go see for myself. I've never seen so many Game Wardens, Coast Guard, National Guard, EPA, Home Land Security, and every other law enforcement agency you could think of on the water. I'm surprised no one said anything to us because we had rod and reels and most of the area is closed to fishing. We did stop for a little while and caught 9 redfish, a few specks, a flounder, and even a few Green trout.

The winds are turning unfavorable tomorrow. Keep praying!!!

On a lighter note, The Yamaha 200hp 4 -stroke is awesome!!! I ran over 90 miles and burned 13 gallons of gas.
BP was able to get an a suction pipe into the well. It is only sucking up about a 1000 barrels a day. It is a far cry from the estimated 5000 + barrels leaking, But it is a start and it is a 1000 not going into the Gulf. They are only allowing it to suck 1000 barrels and are increasing the amount slowly to keep it from freezing.

Somehow the currents that made the barrier island are making a natural barrier. The oil is getting to the outer edges of Breton Sound and not making it to the marshes. Venice, the mouth of the MS River, and parts too the West are getting hit pretty hard.

They opened Hopedale and the Biloxi Marsh to fishing Saturday. They are sampling the water several times a day and are going to keep it open till the last minute. I couldn't stand it so we made a trip even though there was a 70% of severe storms. The weather man said we had about a 3 hour break at daylight. MAN!!! did it feel good being on my home waters one more time because we do not know what tomorrow holds. We didn't make it far before we found birds diving and it was ON!!! We picked up 10 - 15 small specks and moved on. We went 3 miles offshore catching fish everywhere we stopped. We launched at daylight and by 9 AM a severe thunderstorm developed between us and the ramp. We said no big deal, we will wait it out about 12 miles from the ramp. With clear skies over us, we started hammering the specks again. Inbetween specks I looked up and out of nowhere a storm was brewing over the top of us. We took down all of the lightening rods (rods and VHF antenna) and hauled tail. I gave the new boat all she had. I glanced at the GPS a couple of times and we were doing 63 MPH. We made it to the No Wake Zone about a mile before the ramp. Thank God for self bailing hulls. I do not believe that the bilge pump could have kept up. I couldn't see the front of the boat at times. At idle speed the rain felt like needles. There were about 30 oil clean up boats docked and it rained so much that it sunk 3 of them.

The final tally was:
35 Quick Silver Speckled Trout
1 Rotella T Redfish
6- 10W40 Hardhead Catfish
3 Castrol Sailcats
12 Crisco White Trout

Please do not take this badly. if we do not joke about the spill, we cry and I've seen quiet a few grown men cring over our loss.

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