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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2012
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Winfield WV
Finally got all the crap together that the retirement board needed to prove who I am and how old I am so I can retire. Heck you'd think since I've worked there 37 years they might have a **** clue who I was. :lol: :lol: Oh well put everything in the mail tomorrow. Just 10 more days to work and it's 4 weeks vacation then retirement time. :D
Are you planning on returning to work after vacation ??? If not, then your retirement begins in 10 Days !!! 8) =D>
good for you... I have been retired 8 years and I am loving every minute of it...The fish aren't to happy I'm "freetofish" but I am.
[url= said:
DocWatson » Yesterday, 11:48[/url]"]Are you planning on returning to work after vacation ??? If not, then your retirement begins in 10 Days !!! 8) =D>
Not returning after vacation. Scheduled it to run right up to the last day. Basically I had to use my vacation or lose it. They won't just pay us out. So I decided to go this route. I've got 5 workdays this week then 5 more the following. Let the countdown begin. :D
first off congrats on getting to the finish line
I cant understand people that say they don't want to retire
we have guys that are 70 years old and have 2 million in the 401k
and will get 4k a month from the company pension plan full medical
they will make more by staying home???
how much is enough??
the second I am old enough to leave I am gone.
this date will depnd on 1 thing when I can get the medical coverage
it may be as early as age 55 for me but no later that 58 I want to be able to enjoy the last years fishing
I can sort of see both sides. I'm at about eight weeks and counting. My retirement take-home will actually be more that my current. I have worked in the non-profit sector for my whole career so I never got rich but due to good living and some luck I will be ok. I wanted to retire at 62 but the economic down-turn postponed that until 63 1/2.

I'm looking forward to fishing of course and gardening but mostly being in charge of my own schedule - doing what I want when I want to do it. It sounds pretty awesome. I confess to being full of anxiety though because on May 1 I will wake up with no job to go to for the first time since 1980. I haven't been unemployed in almost 35 years. That would by all accounts be enviable but it leaves me with no experience on how to start over. I am about to recreate my life and I don't know how to begin. I've been kidding people that I'll start with a long nap - probably until about August - but in all seriousness I don't have a clue. I just know I can't keep going to the same-ol'-same-ol' any longer. I'm worn out and should have paced myself better. I need to redefine my purpose and don't quite know how to do it.
I hear what your saying about not knowing what to do and I am sure you will be bored at times.
Like I said I know guys that retire from the job and then come back doing the same thing as a contractor
for less pay and no benefits. I love my job but I cant wait until I an turn the alarm clock off and sleep til im ready to go fishing
RETIRE! No regrets, don't look back. I've been retired for exactly one year. I get up earlier than I did when I was working for some reason. Bought my boat last August. I did take a part time job over the winter to help fund the accessories I want for my boat but I've bought most of that stuff and the job will end soon.
I get up early, go outside, watch the sunrise, look at my boat and plan my day. It's awesome!
I golfed a lot last year but this year I will be fishing more than ever before.
Brutal winters are boring and depressing. Might plan a trip south next winter. Catfish country I hope.
[url= said:
alumacrafty » Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:30 pm[/url]"]RETIRE! No regrets, don't look back. I've been retired for exactly one year. I get up earlier than I did when I was working for some reason. Bought my boat last August. I did take a part time job over the winter to help fund the accessories I want for my boat but I've bought most of that stuff and the job will end soon.
I get up early, go outside, watch the sunrise, look at my boat and plan my day. It's awesome!
I golfed a lot last year but this year I will be fishing more than ever before.
Brutal winters are boring and depressing. Might plan a trip south next winter. Catfish country I hope.
If I never see snow again it will be too soon!!!
that will be my first trip after I retire someplace south and warm!!!!
I get 5 weeks vacation now but have never taken a winter fishing vacation
part of the problem is living in the northeast if I take my boat to FLA for the week and then need to come home to snow and ice it may be hard to get my boat back in my driveway so that trip will wait
I can see points on both sides, for and against retirement. But what I can't see is someone working their selves into the ground where they can't even get around when they're older. I missed the months of Dec. and Jan. at work due to my back getting screwed up again. I was hurt on the job over 30 years ago and have had to put up with some sort of back pain the entire time ever since. Once our contract was settled back in the 1st of Jan. and I seen what kind of deal I was getting it didn't take me long to decide when I became eligible in April I was leaving. Besides the health factor the other reason was I have become completely burnt out at what I do. I didn't miss it one bit while I was off those 2 months and have been hard pressed to go back and finish these last weeks I'll admit. However I'm not ruling out a part time job because in all honesty I don't think I can just quit completely but I'm going to find something that I like. Also I'm sure I'll be more active at my church now since I'll have time and not to mention my mother who lives by herself has things that I can do for her as well. I think the reason most people who have a great retirement pay with benefits and can make more money sitting at home are working instead because work is all they know. That's where all their friends are, they know what to expect everyday, and they just don't trust that their money is going to be there in the long run. Most of these people were around after the "Great Depression" and seen what their parents and relatives went thru and had to do in order to make a living when the world fell apart. My father-in-law is a prime example. He's been drawing around $6000+ a month and working 50+ hours a week ever since he turned 70.5 years old driving a truck delivering freight. Thing of it was he was in perfect health and then a 2000lb pallet of freight broke apart and about half of it fell on him(at the age of 73) mashing him in the floor and fracturing his hip as well as a few other things. He recouped and after being off 6 months went back to work. He finally had to quit(retire) as he called it at the age of 76 because he could barely walk and literally cried when he did so. Now he's going to physical therapy 3 times a week just so he can try to walk because his back and hip bother him so much. Had he retired at 70 or sooner like his wife asked him to he would have probably been a lot better off. I realize that none of us know what tomorrow holds but there comes a time when you have to admit some things and do what's best for your health.
=D> Congratulations on your retirement! Hope you enjoy it!
Best wishes on your pending retirement, hope you find something to do (PT job) IF that is what you want, but see how long it takes for you to get bored before looking for something. If you are financially secure, then do some or a lot of those things you always said you would do when you retire. Spread them out so you can plan 'em out and have a good time since you've wanted to do it for a long time. Maybe do some PT stuff with the agreement you may be absent for extended periods when a trip comes along or unexpected opportunity for a trip presents itself. I know in this current day, a PT job like that maybe difficult to find, but who knows, one will show up sometime.

Again, GL and have some fun.