Passenger Seating

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Mar 24, 2010
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South Central KY
For those of you that have tiller handle outboards and large decks, where does a passenger set at? I have a 1648 Ouachita and the decking starts at the middle bench and extends all of the way to the front. My fishing buddy has been setting facing the back of the boat where the decking starts at (where the middle bench was); this does seem to impair visibility a little bit though. Unfortunately we aren't small people so I think that both of us on the back bench isn't an option really. Let me know what you guys think?
What size motor are you running? Got any pics of the boat?
I take the post out of the seats. With the spring loaded pins it's not uncomfortable sitting on the seat about 6-8" off the front deck floor and I can see over their heads to run the boat.
When I repositioned my seats I put the operator's seat off the center line of the boat to starboard (around 9") and the passenger's seat the same distance off center to port. That seems to work and visibility is ok. I take the butt seat off the deck though because it is hard to see around.
I have been thinking about this very same thing. I am looking at a tracker style boat (built in gas tank, livewell etc etc) I plan to remove the console and place 2 seats on either side of center on the bottom floor with 8-10" seat posts. This is mainly for the safety of my kids so that they dont have to ride on an elevated casting deck while moving.

If anyone has set up this way pictures would be worth 1000 words.