Yes, make it it's own topic, but NO sub-forums - keep the jet boats & jet motors all-inclusive as one topic - they are so similar and closely related - and not overly popular (as far as numbers of posts).
The sub-forums are just a pain to go into - why have a "sub-forum" ?? If it is a worthy topic, give it it's own topic. As I stated previously, having a new post indicated in a topic, only to find out it is a "sub-topic" is a waste of time trying to open them all, read or delete them, then go back (through the sub-topic) to the main forum.
I see you separated the "V & jon boat conversions" from the "Boat mods" topic - good change They were both very large topics and deserved their own main topic title. I'd still like to see the "Trailers" given it's own title and removed as a sub-topic from "Boat Talk".
Sub topics are unnessary ----- just my humble opinion.... Give every meaningful (popular) topic it's own title, eliminate the sub-topics altogether.............
The site is so clean now and so much easier to navigate with out the sub forums. The general forum topics chosen are fine. Anything that we need to discuss can be covered with the forums that already exist.
A nice clean site is a blessing for me. And thats just my OPINION!