Project Overkill (front deck waterproofed 8-15)

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Ok, figured that out. On a blackberry you gotta edit your first post's title. Maybe different on a computer. So tonight I'm going to Home Depot or Lowes to get ply, hardware and sealer. If they have everything I need, I'll start on decks tonight or tomorrow. I also need to organize all my tackle, everythings a jumbled mess from last year. I'm gonna flip a coin, but I'll probably do the decks... Cavman, we gotta get up sometime, you can't be more than an hour away from me, I'm right outside Greenbriar Mall is Chesapeake.
So have you decided to pass on your sponsoons? Or are you still waiting for a welder? I like your build and curious how it was going to turn out with them. Looking good so far either way.
Well, as it sits right now, I think I'm just gonna build the boat without them, and possibly put them on at a later date. I'll probably just keep it unpainted(unpowdercoated) for this season, and if I can find a good deal on welding in the near future, have them put on then.
Well, we were gonna work 12's through the weekend, but alas, the boss man says we can have tomorrow off. The check would be nice, but this weekend is beautiful. I'm planning on detailing my Wifes old car so we can sell it, then lunch with the wife, then hopefully going to the Depot to get ply for my decking. :D I need to get Heli-Coils also, but i think for tomorrow, just some ply and maybe some sealer. I CAN'T WAIT to see what this thing looks like with decking on it! Ive had this thing for at least 3 years, and havent touched it, now I can hopefully FINALLY see what the decking is gonna look like. If we can sell this car (99 Mazda 626 ES) for anything more than 1K we are using the money for powdercoat. You guys should all cross your fingers for me. :lol: I think if I can get it powdercoated soon, I am gonna pass on getting the sponsons welded on. If thats the case, I am re-naming this build "Project Normalkill", which will be a big letdown, but after putting the boat in the water the other weekend and seeing how stable it was without them, I can live without...
So we had a gorgeous day today, and I got to do some deck work. They came out pretty good. It helps when you have friends that frame houses do all the cutting for you. My buddy dave cut every piece (including curves) with a circular saw. I knew it was possible, but had never seen it done. He cut the entire front casting deck in less than 2 minutes. Wwwwaaaayyy faster than it would have taken me with a sawzall. I took pics of the finished product only because pics of three idiots screwing up the measurements a bunch of times would have been dumb.back%20to%20front.jpgdave.jpgshawn%20sitting.jpg
I used Plytanium 15/32". It thinner than I thought it would be, but I'm thinking of doing fiberglass like Rat Did on his PolarKraft under my carpet. I actually need to re-cut the front deck cuz I wasn't thinking right and made the back edge even with the cribbing, and not overhanging like I should have. So I may redo that in better quality 1/2" or 5/8" if I can find it. If you haven't bought wood yet, try looking through a lumberyard, cuz the Lowes on Battlefield Blvd has a crap assortment. Don't know what kind of stores yall got out in Suffolk.
Have you been able to find that stuff locally? Doing a quick search on the net showed me some, but if its local, and possibly cheaper that would be cool. I may go the same route and recut mine.
just a thought, i used rubber undercoating in a spray can 3.94 a can and sprayed all my edges to make sure that the wood wouldnt seperrate and also the tops , i did a small test sprayed a piece of wood and put it in a bucket of water , three days later i took it out and cut it in half and the plywood was still bone dry.
Thanks for the kind words guys. This thing is taking a lot longer to do than I wanted, but what else is new. I wonder if those places would have 1/2" ply also. 3/4" is a little too much for me I think, and with all the support you have in yours Cav, you might want to check out the weight savings of 1/2" versus 3/4". I'm really flip floppin on if I want to do the fiberglass/wood route like Rat, or call up a scrap yard and get some aluminum. I have a 5'X2' piece of 1/8" aluminum I laid across my supports, and even on the big stretches where the hatches will go, it seemed to support me pretty well. We'll see...
So I finally got the form from game and fish, its only gonna cost 34 bucks to register the boat for 3 years, so that's good. Now, I gotta figure out how to register the trailer. Also, I think I have decided to go the aluminum floor route. I've probably got 40-50 pounds of scrap aluminum at the house, hopefully a scrap yard will let me "trade" that for some 1/8" sheet and I can pay the difference. Hmmmm. We'll see...

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