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Oh and way way way way back to my original post.
Can’t believe I have y’all going down an off topic rabbit hole along with me.
I had used Armor All that day. It stayed mount on a board inside my shop until this weekend. . When I but it in the boat Friday evening it had collected a little dust but right now everything I don’t have covered will get dust on it in my shop. It still looked great but the shaft felt like plastic again. Didn’t feel slick any more.
I stowed it back in the shop last night and I the shaft showed abrasions.
The spot where the steering adjustment was is white and abrasive.
So a fail on the Armor All. I’ll be moving on to the next product.
I’m going to look at my old shaft and see if the ceramic coating has caused any harm. Meanwhile I may use silicone next.
I’m not expecting anything to last for every just something I don’t have to do every single outing.
I really screwed up yesterday and on the way home took my grandson to a creek that feeds the lake where the white/sand bass have been spawning. It’s part of Texas Parks and Wildlife trails which are many miles at the east end of the lake. Five bucks to get in then drive down close to 2.5 miles of terrain and there’s parking at the creek. Would have been ok if I didn’t have my boat behind me. Absolutely no trailers allowed in the parking lot because of space.
So just before the parking lot I pulled to the side out of the way and we walked to the creek.
Wasn’t thinking about the traffic and all the dust. Everyone is in a hurry to get to the creek and all jeeps and trucks bouncing on the rough path.
We got back to the truck and was talking when a truck went by and I saw my grandson duck his head down and close his eyes. Turned and looked.
A huge thick cloud of dust covered us. I looked at my boat and all my gear and everything had layers of the fine dust covering it.
I have to clean up everything. A lot of the dust blew off coming home.
When I backed in last night and started unloading I couldn’t stand it. I started cleaning the electrical. I remove my Garmin and it rides in a case inside the truck. The cable ends where capped but it was so bad after cleaning when I removed the caps it made its way to the connectors. My plug and play connectors for the sonar battery same way switch panel.
Breaker switch. Even dust in storage and water doesn’t get in there but dust did. Most of it can be blown off. But I was out there last night with a headlamp and a can of Deoxit and a tips because I couldn’t stand the electrical not looking new.
I haven’t looked under the cowl of the Yamaha yet. I may have more cleaning under there since the bugs got in it when night fishing dust will get in too and stick real good to the fluid film it’s coated with.
It lives under the cover at home so I’m used to cleaning everything at different times after so many outings. I get to clean everything at once this time. Even 9 rods which don’t all have reel covers.
I won’t take it out until at least the motor and electrical are done. But I need to run it after this trip. I had no choice but to put ethanol fuel in the tank this weekend and want to run it out and get some ethanol free back in the system.
On a bright side. All the little things I found wrong getting ready for this trip. Cracked fuel line , carburetor drain plugs broken or cracked.
When I started it Saturday morning it idled a lot better I didn’t have to keep giving it gas every now and then. I even had to adjust it because it was purring like a kitten at only 550 rpms. I raised the idle and w away we went.
Grandson 120 lbs sitting towards bow on ice chest. His cousin 126lbs sitting in the rear with me and loaded with gear.
Got passed the buoy’s and I gave it some throttle and the bow stood up. I thought ok I’ll need to adjust the outboard a notch (that means I don’t have electric tilt and trim for you young ones).
After that thought I hit wide open throttle to see what I was dealing with.
The 40 2 stroke old Yamaha bowed up and we shot out of the hole and was hauling tail. Better than ever. I had to watch it because in a matter seconds I was doing 6k rpms and climbing. At 5,500k we were getting it own and the boat was planning great.
When I rebuilt the boat I removed a lot of weight just doing the floor.
Going to all lithium batteries took out a lot of weight. Etc.
Now I need to get a different prop.
Or a different tiny Tach to compare to make sure this one’s accurate.
Good grief man! It's a fishing boat, it's gonna get a little worm dirt spilled in it now and then!

I think you'd have a panic attack if you every took a ride in my boat.